Kenvir Kentucky ATV Club INC. Forum

Kenvir Kentucky ATV Club INC. Forum
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well guys you all know i am in wshington state, well guess what so is a 2nd cousin of ours from just up the alley in no 1 camp. do any of you remember the howards bob and doris, well the oldest son bobby and i had lunch at ihop, we learned thru facebook we were about 10 miles apart and 30 + years later we find each other on the other side of the usa. aint life grand, anyway that was my weekend and you all have a good day , getting ready for work ,

Re: family

A couple of years ago I went to a family reunion on my Mom's side of the family.A young man was there who I had been working with for a long time.I said"Who invited you,this is a surprise to see you here".He said "this is my family reunion". Wow ! We didn't even know we were cousins! In the early 1970s I ran into Margaret Nunley at Woolworth's in Chicago!
That is so cool Susie,is he brother to Donna or Danny Howard?

Re: family

brother to danny , they moved to indiana before we left and went to ohio. bob is 62 looks just like his dad. some how mom and dad bought the bathroom that was on their house and everybody helped pickup the walls and took it over to our house and reassembled it and we had our first indoor toilet and a real bathtub. in its own room ,

Re: family

I wondered how you had run into Bobby. He was just a little older than me. The bathroom moving really is a true story. It was put next to our little bedroom to the right of the chifferobe, is that a word, and who even knows what it
is anymore?Tell Bobby hello and wish I had run into him too. What sort of work does he do? Amazing how we have all scattered.

(Eva is here this week.)

Re: family

got to give a thumbs up to facebook it has brought me many old friends i would never have heard from again if not for it. bobby is retired from military, he is not in the best of health either , but hanging in there, i would have known him anywhere, cause it is like looking at uncle bob, spitting image guess thats why he is named bob too. he lives about 20 miles from me and we are planning another get together , i am going to show him old pictures that i scanned years ago and see if he knows any of them, lets hope. still working on the house i am so tired , must be that i am so old, got other work to do today so you all have a great day .

Re: family

Hello Susie,it sure makes me homesick for the old days when you meet people from when we were growing up.I hope you can see if Bobby has some pictures to share from his life in Harlan County.
I remember when Lillian and Shorty Howard lived across the alley from us.They had one of the finer camp houses that looked amazing on the inside but no bathroom either.It might be because during those days there was just enough room on each lot for a house and a small yard and no room for a field line or septic tank.I remember when they moved away.Donna was a little older than me but my friend and I sure missed her and her mother.Lillian would let us eat vanilla wafer cookies about anytime we wanted one.

Re: family

hay brenda we come from calvin howard from tenn, and tivie evans ,we are kin to the ones around redbud bridge across from where aunt wilma lived. i wish someone did know something about them they are hard to track. lots of secrets there.

Re: family

Roy and Danny Evans?

Re: family

My sister is friends with Sharon Evans/Howard (Roy/Danny/Donnie sister)I believe she is a school teacher in Evarts and lives in either High Splint or Shields. It's been a couple of years but their mother did still live in the house at Redbud.

Re: family

I see its useless to post on this site,like all the rest of Kenvir sites you get no feedback.Bi Bi

Re: family

Hello Jack,sometimes people don't have an answer or reply for a post.What is expected? Maybe a reply "I don't know anything to tell you"? Anyway,I think Chet answered your Roy ,Danny question almost 8 hours before you said no one gives any feed back on this forum.As for me,nope ,I don't post when I don't have a reply.How you been Jack? We don't hear much from you.I hope all is well with you and your family.All of your brothers and sisters have always been friendly to me all through life and I miss them from time to time.Mainly Louise,Ray and Jerry grew up at the same time as me.Jerry use to let me ride his bycycle,Ray was in many of my grade school classes. Louise was in high school the same time as me.I miss your brother Billy.He was always so kind to me and we would talk happy things when we ran into each other.Time cannot be turned back and tomorrow is not promised so I just do the best I can today with hope for tomorrow.