Kenvir Kentucky ATV Club INC. Forum

Kenvir Kentucky ATV Club INC. Forum
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Election Day !

It's a cold rainy Tuesday in east Tennessee.Ray and I will go out to vote sometime today.I use to love election day when I was a kid.Anyone remember the perks,,card board fingernail files,slogan buttons which sometimes had a picture of the candidate and not to mention folding match books? I couldn't vote then but I sure enjoyed the small usable things that were handed out.
If anyone has been out riding and would like to share a picture on this page,email it to me and I will put it on.

Re: Election Day !

Brenda, I remember my brother-in-law and his friends bragging about getting two dollars and pint of moonshine in Evarts for their votes. I never did find out if they actual voted for the crooks or not but things have not changed that much since then just different incentives today.

Re: Election Day !

An old man told me years ago that he would accept the whiskey ahead of time and then go vote for the candidate that he wanted.Well, he only got half a pint!I never thought of the little fingernail files etc to be bribes, just incentives to consider that candidate,, but I guess it can come in many forms.