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Welcome to the newest feature of my new website. Please feel free to discuss all topics relating to music in general & the guitar in particular. To get started - tribute bands: good thing or bad? They provide a steady income for many a musician who would otherwise be in some dead end job, they also give a lot of people a lot of genuine entertainment. However, they encourage slavish copying of others work rather than originality. Which side of the fence are YOU on?

Re: Welcome

I personally have no problem with tribute bands. I enjoy having certain styles expressed more and I'm sure others feel the same way about other styles. I prefer to create my own music myself but if someone else prefers to do the tribute band scene MORE POWER TO 'EM!

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Welcome to the newest feature of my new website. Please feel free to discuss all topics relating to music in general & the guitar in particular. To get started - tribute bands: good thing or bad? They provide a steady income for many a musician who would otherwise be in some dead end job, they also give a lot of people a lot of genuine entertainment. However, they encourage slavish copying of others work rather than originality. Which side of the fence are YOU on?