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2013 Great Ocean Race

WOW .... I am still in shock .....

I would like to thank Bruce, the Dinghy Dock Pub, Fleet 17 and all the volunteers with chase boats and photo boats.

It was my hope for the race to not be last, well that is how I started!!! BUT a quick change to the "A" rig and we started to slowly gain on the leaders and actually leading at about the half way point ..... Marsha had to keep reminding me "it's a long race, stay calm and focused"

Marsha and I would like to also thank Bruce, Arne and Paul for assisting with the launch of our dinghy and Arne for helping get the dinghy back in the truck!!

What a GREAT DAY ..... when do we sign up for 2014???? :-)))))

Marsha and Colin KC58

Re: 2013 Great Ocean Race

Way to go Colin,nice win.
It was a blast,great to have you and Marsha up here for the great race.
We have the date tentavly set for April 12-2014.
We just want to make sure it's not the same weekend as THRASH again so that some of our others are not in conflict.
We are already working on improvements for next year.
Registration for 2014 will be opening soon.
No one has ever won the Milling Mug twice.........yet.