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Re: clear water hunting club run for the guns

We going to feed y'all good Jennings

Re: clear water hunting club run for the guns

Shaping up to be a good one , lots more stuff donated to be given away will post some of the items later thanks

Re: clear water hunting club run for the guns

Mr ...... if ur hound is doing a little better than the one wearing the gps u got a pretty good chance of wining rite so load em up !

Re: clear water hunting club run for the guns

How many numbers are out.

Re: clear water hunting club run for the guns

A Lil over a 150

Re: clear water hunting club run for the guns

Hey local ol lighting was a good dog but like all of of them he need to stay in the yard make pups u probley wast around when he an was at the top of his game but I have one in the back yard that was he used to give him all he wanted but like I said just let make pups

Re: clear water hunting club run for the guns

No that is some funny stuff right there.. Use to give white lightening heck!!

Re: clear water hunting club run for the guns

4-$50 gift certificate from quick track
3- $50 gift certificate from magnum
1-$25 gift certificate from custom collars
Package from outdoor dog supply
2- leashes from Wine O & Dylan

Re: clear water hunting club run for the guns

Look at ol hunter he is wild bad computer hunter we will be looking for u in the updates hell I even typed u in the search engin an there was no where U ever placed In a hunt the only place u showed up was the bull **** section now that some funny **** lol

Re: clear water hunting club run for the guns

Now that enough about that tiny an driftwood got our guns we need something to deer hunt with I hope y'all bring them back felling sorry for me I recon me an runt going to have to use a sling shot if we can't get on of them guns lol

Re: clear water hunting club run for the guns

Yeah u right u out ran ole white lightening one time in how many years.. Now come on tell the truth??

Re: clear water hunting club run for the guns

The reason u hide u name is because u never out ran him an u don't want to know that but for your info it was more that once what have u done u know why u hide u don't want anyone to know who is kiss shine nuts he will give u on of those road running culls u don't have do this in public ok

Re: clear water hunting club run for the guns

I pretty sure ole lightening has out run u alot more than u have him!! And more than likely can still do it now!!

Re: clear water hunting club run for the guns






Re: clear water hunting club run for the guns

Good Luck to All you fellas I wont make this one the Gator Creek hunt was all I could afford right now! Really wish I could make it! Look out for Seymour and Hinson and for the 2 Smith Rap theyre gonna be tough!!
Hope yalls hunt goes as well as the Gator Creek and Fryes Creek they were awesome hunts with awesome people!!

Re: clear water hunting club run for the guns

Sorry you couldn't make it , we would have been glad to have you , maybe next time THANKS

Re: clear water hunting club run for the guns

Who is going to be hunting with a new gun this year?????

Re: clear water hunting club run for the guns

I hear there has been a boy running his dogs pretty hard and is coming to get the gun!!

Re: clear water hunting club run for the guns

He might be but i hear there is some sure enough heat on the way. Guess we will see!

Re: clear water hunting club run for the guns

Like to know who is bringing the heat

Re: clear water hunting club run for the guns

Can someone teach Jennings how to spell, much less look!! WHITELIGHTING

Re: clear water hunting club run for the guns

Better watch out for Seymour and Henson an that Lil black unit she is bad news, ol Heath smith will be there lord knows he needs a new gun and is very capable of gettin it. Timmy Breshears has been on a roll the past couple week Gatwood has been in sort of a slump but don't count him out he had some scattering dogs in the deer woods this year! All I can say is may the best dog win! Good luck to everyone!

Re: clear water hunting club run for the guns

I wouldn't count ole greaseball out heard he went and got a truck load of dogs from Louisiana and has been wearing the hinges out on his dog box!!!

Re: clear water hunting club run for the guns

Shine said he would bring white lighting but Jennings had firecracker over there in the pen with him trying to get him some pups to sling gravel out the roads with

Re: clear water hunting club run for the guns

Bubba and don shaw have been stacking some hounds in the top 10 the last 2 weeks. Is the perry county folks gonna come down?

Re: clear water hunting club run for the guns

Bubba has been real quite on the computer he must be spending a lot of time with them hounds

Re: clear water hunting club run for the guns

Y'all boys know who is bring the heat the boys that has been placeing at the last couple hunts, I hear that c & m' s kennel has been running every night getting ready as well as a few more boys. It's gonna be some good running good luck to all you guys and happy hunting

Re: clear water hunting club run for the guns

More prizes ,certificate for 1 free Johnson's tracking collar , 1 fold & go grill from magnolia gas, leash & collars from Cotton

Re: clear water hunting club run for the guns

Where is roll call going to be at and about time.

Re: clear water hunting club run for the guns

Drew I think it's gonna be off of saucier advance rd . But I'm not 100 percent sure

Re: clear water hunting club run for the guns

I sure hope it's easier to find than gator creek was. Lmao

Re: clear water hunting club run for the guns

It's west of the T of Saucier advance RD and McHenry RD you will take the first dirt road on the right from there and stay on that road till you come to the camp and that's we're we will be

Re: clear water hunting club run for the guns

Going to turn lose at day light

Re: clear water hunting club run for the guns

C&M must be the 700 club from pen branch !! Lmao

Re: Good Running Hound

Thanks guys for putting on an awesome hunt . We had a great time . I just wish I had a dog that could run with the fine hounds that were there . We had excellent running and plenty of it . Congrats to all that placed and thanks again to the folks that worked so hard to make this deal happen .

Re: Good Running Hound

Who won? Haven't heard

Re: Good Running Hound

Bubba. Y'all going to post results for gator creek?

Re: Good Running Hound

It sure was a great hunt good running and great fellowship I'm like bubba shaw just wish I had a dog that could run with the big dogs. Was a great hunt and we look forward to the next one

Re: Good Running Hound

Can't be a good hunt without folks like y'all supporting it we would to say thanks again and will post results shortly


We would like to give a big thanks to everyone that came out and participated and everyone that helped. We would also like to give a big thanks to everyone that donated, Quicktrack, Magnum, Johnson, Custom Collars, Outdoor Dog Supplies, Success Hunting Supply, Necos Market, OJ's, Fazzio's, Claude Hinton, Wine-o, Cotton, and Magnolia Gas! Very Big thanks to all!!!

Name Hound Points
1st: Larry "Bird" Saucier 617 205
2nd: J.W. Webb & Clyde Ely 1 165
3rd: Craig Shaw 714 135-3
4th: Dennis Lamey 78 135-2
5th: Jennings Parker 87 135-0
6th: Daniel Seymour & Clint Hanson 70 125-1
7th: Jace Gatwood 16 125-0
8th: Chris Loper & Waldo 8 120-3
9th: Rocking S Kennels 266 120-2
10th: Jennings Parker 3 120-0
11th: Bobby Seals 22 115-2(1st)1(2nd)
12th: Bubba Shaw 9 115-2
13th: Brian Ladnier 4 110
14th: Jamie Dubuisson 431 100
15th: J.W. Webb & Clyde Ely 77 90-1(1st) 1(2nd)
16th: Jimbo Mckay 17 90-1
17th: Malcolm Ladner 96 85-2
18th: Timmy Breshears 417 85-1
19th: Brian Ladnier 12 85-0
20th: Ron Tubbs 71 80
21st: Driftwood 72 80
22nd: Rusty Scott 55 80
23rd: Larry "Bird" Saucier 122 80
24th: Heath Smith 231 80
25th: R.D. 76 70

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