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Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

Who all placed???? who was in top ten????

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

Thanks marc.....congrats to all that placed...1st880 points slades 2 dot(Rocky D ll x slades ghost buster) 3rd 750 points slades red gal(desotos red 70 x adams buckskin)

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

Tommy congrats I gave you a break today I didn't bring my beagle lol

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

We had a outstanding hunt,with three hours solid running! Some of the top pups in the south were present! The top ten pups will have a final showdown at oak ridge, the fastest pen in the south!!! We will surely see who has the fastest pup! Pictures were taken of all hounds so no hocus pocus occurs! All hounds competing in finals will give proof of age and pictures will be present to match hound! All hunters will participate in the figuring of scores, the same way all hunts are done here! My objective is to pick best hound ,not the most popular owner! Any hound withdrawing must do so within two weeks prior to the finals , which will be in June! This is to give any alternates, ample notification! The date of finals will be soon given to all participants! 1st 880pts smokin s. 2nd. Hi- tech. 810 Pts. 3rd. Smokin s. 750. Pts. 4th. Seth garritt. 610. Pts. 5 th. red creek. 540. Pts. 6th.seth garritt. 525 Pts 7th. Larry hale. 500 Pts. 8 th. Larry hale 465 Pts. 9 th. rusty turner 440 Pts. 10 th. red creek 435 Pts Thanks to all that participated in this speed breeders event! This event is designed to pick the fastest fox hound pup, not the best pack hound pup!!! Good luck and god bless!

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

Forgot to mention goat will be at the stock sale this week for not showing up! Lol!!! I don't think he will bring much, due to his performance and the promised commitments he failed to uphold! Lol!!!

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

Was this a june hunt? Fact is the one that won was to old.. See if we are honest about this

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

2nd Masons Ivawisler (Himphills Ace/Masons Wisler) 810 points

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

Mr.lie u have a problem with my pup u call me ....601-528-3324....dont be a chicken ****....

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

Let em know Tommy always some bull

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

I wasn't at the hunt but more than 1 person told me about the all age dog tommy brought! Haha seems to me that he is always gone be a cheater I know you well tommy boy and you will always be a cheater . That's why when everyone calls u out on it you are quick to run your big mouth back. Your a cheater and everyone knows it!

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

If you don't care enough about the hunt to go to it then shut your mouth an stop trying to Start s&@$ be a man go to the hunt an call them out

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

I dont care what u are no one else thinks or says....talk is cheap..either try to get u something to run with my pups or find u another web site to play on....all i can tell ya u got 2 choices.....come try to run with them or keep on cryin.....lol

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

Tommie what u tell me bout that pup? Lol hahahahahaha

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

Bama b4 u talk **** u need to get ur facts strait!!! But thats ok i got ur number now!

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

Tommy no need to huff an puff fact come from your mouth to me but I ain't said nothing I was asking a question an u seem to be awful offensive... Hahaha what's my number buddy .. I got yours an mr lameys #

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

Smoking S are you giving an open invitation challenge?!? If so we are in you name the age and playing field and we are there!!

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

Sounds like some Hocus Pocus!!!

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

bama its obvious you have information that may be usefull. would you care to share or stay part of the problem ? definately some abracadabra if not hocus pocus.

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

Kelly all was invited to this hunt u should have got u some numbers.....and all the rest of u can talk all the trash and lies u want to but when it comes down to it u still gonna have to face these 70's! Like it or not!

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

Come on Tommie if it's a lie it's straight from the horses mouth.. I like what lamey said in his crazy post bout championship bringing proof... Hahahahahaha lameys funny too.. There's a may hunt this weekend I mean june at crane creek

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

U not real smart Brian Lamey. I got my part of the winning money. U not fooling these smart people.

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

U know why they did not show up they could not bring there judges with them there to promote them

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

If know one has figured it out yet Hocus Pocus is Brian's game.

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

yea hunter i notice they go to select pens and usually win. i also noticed last time they came to this hunt their lil unit only stuck like 6th or somethin..makes a difference when they scored right

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

Bama u have no clue what u talkin about! u aint nothin but a **** starter.and if yall want to know the truth the reason hes ****** is he brought derby dogs to ol bay and got there ass smoked........

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

Pixx off at what ? you doin the same at this hunt but takin his money

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

So tommy your calling mr Q. Deadeux a lair I guess. I was standing right buy him when he told another fellow he new for a fact that hound was a may.

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

Tommy my little ol pups didn't place for sure but I do have the litter enrollments for them.. They come from the hill brothers in louisiana and theyre end of July pups that was in a may hunt.. Not dis appointed at all. One thing for sure won't be last time I don't place... Lets run your mays and my Julys big boy hahahahahaha you can bring your July too

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

sounds like tommy performed sum "hocus pocus" with sum dates. tommy these boys are too smart for u. you need to go back to magical school and work on your deception skills

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

Bama the man you get ur info from does the same thing ur talkin about so whose to say that all he says is the truth

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

You know most of you are poor sportsmen not all but a lot you know if your so worried about cheating clean your own doorstep before you go sweeping someone else's if you win like a man lose like a man if you can't handle it get out of it Kelly seems like you always poking your nose where it don't belong careful you CAN get it knocked off

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

Better source.. The source that told me was tommy himself

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

All I did was question a simple challenge and here comes the no name punks one thing is for sure I've took a many whoopings in my life and been hit so hard I thought I was kicked by a mule and I've never had my nose knocked off but hey I'm always looking for a good challenge so man up and put your name never know when we cross paths and it might be my lucky day

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

hunter 1 you are a lier!if you have any questions about pups off any of my dogs you know where i live!

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

Someone done used quintins name to cover Tommy up... That's hilarious quinton never gets in computer never has good one there

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

I seem to remember a nose almost getting knocked off at ok bay. Ha

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

I never had a reason to get on here till now Bama!since you think its so funny why dont you give me a call!601-528-4117

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

Somebody's funny I call quinton an he didn't post this about calling him but someone else did... Funny funny

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

First off I'd like to say thanks to Brian for the hunt. We didn't place a pup but enjoyed every minute of it. Second I'm kinda knew to this sport but I haven't heard so much trash talk since I was in grade school now I don't personally know how old anyone's pups are but my own (born June 18th of 2012) but if you are going to call a man out as a cheater and a liar the least you can do is have the guts to use your real name so he knows who is calling him out. Just my thoughts but money ruins a lot of good things I personally think that folks have forgot that this sport is for fun and fellowship and have let winning money become top priority therefore causeing some to cheat to obtain their goal. Now I'm not calling anyone out I have mentioned no ones name but if my post offends you maybe you should think about why it does. I will continue to go to hunts with the right age dogs and probably continue to get beat by older dogs and maybe even some right age dogs but the way I see it is if a man needs my money bad enough to cheat me out of it then at least I hope he feeds his hounds good with the money he wins no matter how old the are.

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

zack all they doin is startin crap...if you notice on here me,u or anyone else that wins a hunt always cheated.all it boils down to is he went and paid hundreds of dollars for dogs that would not run...i tried to call him yesterday and he would not answer his phone and then he text my phone"boy i got the pot boilin now"!all he is ,is a **** startin big creek water boy wanna be that rides dewaynes shirt tail!

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

Good one tommy.. Call me I'll answer ask Dewayne what he thinks u told him same thing... We all proud of u tommy don't think we not.. I did text u that and I do have a pit boiling of what u boiled...

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

The only two hunts you have won this year is one at Millard with a dog that belonged to your role model that was to old got called out on it and no one has seen the dog since and now this stunt I'm willing to bet the dog that you won Brian's with will not be there Saturday because you got busted again you think you are slick and everybody is stupid just like your mentor

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

Sounds to me like crane creek will be interesting !! Hope they all wear their big boy panies!! Get em TOMMY

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

It dont matter if hes got his big boy panties on or not.hes still gonna cry to daddy just like he did when we was in high school.

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

Why is it you never see this bama boys name on this web site unless hes crying or talking trash to someone?sounds to me hes the type of guy that got his lunch money took from him in school!

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

Is this how BIG CREEK/TOP NOTCH represents there kennel?

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

Yes its a real shame a grown man has to be so jealous of someone like that.its simple either you can beat them or you cant.shake hands and carry on!

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

Yal funny... Fact is ain't nOne of Yal can take nothing from me an another fact is that you can tell who got their lunch took in school bc ya to scared to put ya real name so you the one hiding... I could put the real truth on here if need be

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

You know in this situation u would want to bash bama for stirring the pot but u know I give him credit that he stood up and told everybody what was going on. Everybody knew the pup was to old and bama was the only person that would say something. Now onto the subject about how big creek represents there self. Dewayne and his dad are some of the finest people u will ever meet. They will help u in anyway they can. Lets get to top notch. Laramie is fine fellow sits back and minds his business until somebody pops off which is understandable. Lil mighty man Kelly has got a lil temper and will blow up quick just got to know how to take him other than that he is fun to hunt with. I think the kennel represents there self good. They have a reason to hold there head high and talk a lil smack cause 90% of the time they can back it up. I'm glad the truth came out.

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

crane creek want be interesting it will be an all 747show

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