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Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

This is my first post to this subject and my last you want to talk bout how I represent my self well I can tell you I am not the one getting drunk and cussing like a sailor at every hunt I am one of the first ones to shake the winners hand no matter who it is I have put on hunts and been to all the hunts I can to help anybody in need I have won Calcutta money at benefit hunts and give it to the hunt I have given more good pups away to young hunters then most have raised I bring kids to hunts to try to get people interested in hunting even though I don't have kids myself I haven't said a word about Tommie I like Tommie we are friends and still will be friends so none of you no name cowards can say how I represent my self if you got something to say call 601 270 5167 we can talk have a blessed day

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

747 show !! Maybe they'll probably bring 20 burners

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

Nope not. Want give anybody else I chance to place...

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

Might be slade, big creek, and 747 that shows ! The way it sounds no one else wants to be in the drama!!

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

Well said dewayne I just don't know why we can't all get along

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

Well tommy looks like you got 2 friends on here me and dewayne sounds like you gonna need them with all these people after you lmao

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

I'm his friend too I'm not mad at Tommie at all I like giving him a hard time as u can see he does me also always has an prob always will.. He won't answer my call tho.. An I'm not trying to dog tommy I'm just responding to everything that is sent to me.. I told him at old bay children's hunt that I didn't care if I placed a dog long as I out scored him an I didn't he got me by 40 points.. An he said his only goal was to get quintin.. But I'm messing with him bout what he told me at that hunt an he knows an he also told me in his hard one day when I was down there looking at that trailer.. But like I said I could care less what he does with dogs I'll run against it any time... I wasn't at hunt that he won I'm just hounding him bout it I told him Im glad he won it so he wouldn't kill it when he got home...

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

Hunter 2 this will be the last post i make....i dont care what you or anyone else thinks about my pups.they are june pups !now u can run with them or stay at the house!as far bama hes jus an ass! Dewayne.......well im givin him a break now.ill get on him later....lol see yall saturday!

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

Every thing is ok now they all met up at fish house for supper an left as friends again thanks to all ( tommy bought )

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

Yea it looks as if sum secrets were bout to get spilled and someone pulled the reins..

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

dewayne that was not directed to you at all but was strait to that bama boy that calls his self big creek!he is a bad habit that needs to be broke.the trash he talks on here and the lies he tells disrespects your kennel.

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

Sad this the last post I'm putting on here this first time I been on this site in long time so u don't know what u talking bout I Ain't lied on here ever about anything an I sure don't start nothing on here... If I had a problem with Tommy it wouldn't be starting no problem on here he lives just a few miles from me I'd go to his house instead if over a computer.. I'm messing with him about his dogs on here an this has went On between us fir years... Tommie knows what he told me as i said before this is not to start or trouble or lies its structly messing with tommie and his sorry breeding.. So i wish you'd mature drop a set an be man enough to put ya name an be able to carry the name ya mom and dad left you.. I be ashamed of my son if he wasn't proud of his name and wasnt man enough to stand up for what he writes, says, and does out there an your dad would be too so be proud of ta name and put it in your post so we know who u are.. But u don't know me and I ain't going to sit here an waste my time telling stuff I've done for people with hunts, tournaments, benefits, auctions and on an on bc that's stuff your suppose to do an not brag bout doing its part of life being compassionate and helpful, what I say an do reflects me not my friend or kennel partners... I can stand for myself so u do me a favor an do what I am everyone else wants you to do first learn to spell ya name, then be proud of the name mom an dad gave u, and then be man enough to stand for that name and last but not least put it in your post so we know who u are... Thanks have a good day

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

Mr.Bama i aint never! Not only have you waisted all these nice peoples time reading this crock of kangaroo poo poo you have waisted the last hour and a half of your own time thinking and writing this!you know something if you spent as much time working with your dogs as you do trying to act like you got some brains ,you might have some better dogs.(i dought it ) mr.Bama have a wonderful day!

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

Kinda seems that way now.

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

Hello!!! I dont know this Bama cat ,but can anyone tell me is he on drugs?

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

I can tell ya this.... This Bama cat is not on drugs and he is a very good friend of mine. He has been out of fox hunting for a couple years and is jus getting a few field trial dogs again but I can tell ya about 3 years ago I hunted with him and dewayne 3 sometimes 4 times a week and I can assure you had to deal with Bama just as much as dewayne. Bama had a dog called LT that could drive a piece of game with an outstanding clear mouth and if u slipped LT was getting the money! Bama was 1st and 2nd at the Chris Loper benifit hunt a few years ago and there were a pile of dogs there. I can assure you he is not new to the game! I can also assure before long THIS BAMA CAT will be taking your money again! But most important no one not even myself has to take up for THIS BAMA CAT I promise u he can take up for hisself if you don't believe me try him!

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

Thats some funny s**t right there,i dont care who you are! Catfish if its the same Bama i think it is , if you saw him you would not even ask that question. That fellow eats good!

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

Jase we all know its your story and you can tell it like you want to but that bad ass L T dog with a.clear mouth and could drive a yote that bama over dosed belonged to B-TOWN KENNEL.

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

So u tellin me Bama his self carried LT to a hunt and overdosed him

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

Said I wasn't gonna post anymore to this but I have read just bout all I can take from no name cowards. Bama is my friend and will always be my friend before and after dogs if you got something to say bout him call him or me and we can talk . You idiots have no clue about LT he belonged to Bama he got him from John shows who got him from b town us and b town swap pups and breed to each others dogs . When LT died I was the one who had him at a hunt was middle of summer and dog was over 4 yrs old looking back we should have never took him was to hot for a dog that old I CAN PROMISE ONE THING DOG WAS NOT ON ANYTHING he was one of the best hounds to ever ware a big creek knl collar

Re: Puppy Hunt Challenge

Tell y'all one thing u no name f****** don't be scared and hide behind a post like a bunch of b******. Be a man and call or say it face to face. Or better than that I will give whoever and I mean whoever my address and line it up where we can meet up and settle it like men. The computer is no place for this crap. But we all know u not u going to. You're going to continue to hide behind a computer and talk crap. All this computer is good for some sorry b**** to sit behind the computer with no life starting ****. I see one thing that's for sure and that's that Top Notch & Big Creek Knls is not scared to put there name and hide. Offers on the table to whoever u are I'm game whenever u wanna do something only thing is if u man enough to step up to the plate. Or better than that here's my number where u can call me and maybe we we can give u a good dog that can place for u where u can stop wasting your time being computer hunter and get in the woods and somebody can talk crap about u one day. Not bragging by no means just stating the facts. You get rewarded for the work u put in and apparently u not putting in enough work fella. But keep being a computer hunter and **** starter and us and the other fox hunters in the world will continue to keep u in the clapping section. 985-981-0026

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