Day Care Forum

Welcome to our "Day Care Forum", the meeting place for parents of children attending the Children's World day care center located on Mt. Pleasant Road in Chesapeake, VA.  Parents with comments regarding day care services are encouraged to join the discussion.

Day Care Forum
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Welcome to the discussion

Thank you for visiting the "Day Care Forum". I look forward to your participation in the discussion. Feel free to talk about what interests you as it relates to the Children's World located on Mt. Pleasant Road in Chesapeake, VA.

If you have questions or comments for the center's Administration, Lisa Heasley, the center’s Director has graciously offered to reply to any posts you make on this forum. Or if you wish, you may contact Lisa directly at

We welcome your comments and hope that this site will facilitate positive dialog and action. Anything related to this center and your child's education is on the table and so please feel free to discuss whatever you find important or interesting.

Thank you for your interest and time!

Walter Brown

City: Chesapeake

State: VA