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Fairuza Balk - The Concealed Enigma

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Please use this forum to express your opinions about the talented actress Fairuza Balk! Above all, keep your messages clean, and respect other people!

Fairuza Forum @
Fairuza Balk - The Concealed Enigma
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Here U go, don't say I'm not good to you!

This forum is even deader than the last one I went to . Prob here I reckon is that there are several forums for Ru and all have, say, 20 or 30 posters. Combine 'em all and you could have a single big forum - check out and you'll see what a forum is REALLY about! It kicks ass!

What else can I really say? Anyone had any luck tracking down props from 'The Craft' cos I've failed for the last 2 years! Also, whoever got that presskit off ebay I HOPE YOUR HAPPY 'cos I couldn't prize it out U'r hands now could I LOL!! Well done!

Catch U l8r!


Re: No Subject

Well thanku for posting! v kind of ya. I know we could all have a big forum but then wheres the fun in that! I want a personal forum for MY site so that people can put across their points about my site and i can improve on things, as well as people talkin about ru. Maybe i cud add an extra forum as a main one for fairuza talk....

Sorry it took so long to reply, read the message with the subject "Angelfire" to find out why...

Paul - The Webmaster

Fairuza Balk - The Concealed Enigma

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Replying to:

Here U go, don't say I'm not good to you!

This forum is even deader than the last one I went to . Prob here I reckon is that there are several forums for Ru and all have, say, 20 or 30 posters. Combine 'em all and you could have a single big forum - check out and you'll see what a forum is REALLY about! It kicks ass!

What else can I really say? Anyone had any luck tracking down props from 'The Craft' cos I've failed for the last 2 years! Also, whoever got that presskit off ebay I HOPE YOUR HAPPY 'cos I couldn't prize it out U'r hands now could I LOL!! Well done!

Catch U l8r!
