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Fairuza Balk - The Concealed Enigma

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Fairuza Balk - The Concealed Enigma
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Re: Re: Angelfire

Yeah don't worry about it, it's just Angelfire being a pain in the arse!

I got DVD's on RU, copies of films from TV...uhm 1 signed pic, loadsa pics that i've printed on photo paper n put in frames! They're so cool...i'm not really a

Paul - The Webmaster

Fairuza Balk - THe Concealed Enigma

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Yeah, I was strugglin' to get into your site a few times recently, thought I'd broken it!

Looks like your forum is livening up a wee bit. Wahey! Having a quieter forum does have its benefits too as you say. The RSOC board is sooooo jam-packed that often my browser will time out simply 'cos it can't load all the topics!

So, er, how much Ru stuff do you have? I've managed to obtain sone vids and stuff but nothing exciting so far.

I'm saving up for a new car for next summer BTW. This summer's lost (unless I can get a car for, oh, 30 quid) Nothing wrong with my current car but, short of tin-opening the roof I'm not gonna have a drop top for the sun! Just thought I'd share that with you.

Catch U L8R!
