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Fairuza Balk - The Concealed Enigma

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Fairuza Balk - The Concealed Enigma
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: A gift

*Also slaps forehead*

And I didn't even notice!

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Cheers mate!

What program did u use to create it, i think i may have to invest in it! Do u know of any free programs that can make things like that?

Do u want a link to anywhere in exchange for the logo?...if so where can i direct it to?...i tried to get the main part of your site but it sed it isn't done yet...!



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*chuckles* Not a problem...lets see if this is better...the problem with the "shoulder" is part due to her position and maybe also due to the difficulty of isolating the image from the background...with that

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So will u adjust it for me? =)

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*slaps my forhead*

Can't believe I did that...and I know better then that *chuckles*

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Wow! It's actually really nice...except there is one tiny little problem (apart from the fact that on the right hand side fairuza seems to have lost an arm!) But yeah u spelt her name "Fairuza B'u'lk", it's actually "Fairuza B'a'lk" with an 'A'!!

It's an easy enough mistake to make i suppose, since it's pronounced that way!

But hey if u corrected it for me i'd love to use it on one of my pages sumwhere!

Thanks a lot for the thought too! Not often people generously do stuff for me, so thanks...even tho u asked me for nude pics lol!

Paul - The Webmaster

Fairuza Balk - THe Concealed Enigma

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A gift from one fan to anouther *smiles warmly*