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Fairuza Balk - The Concealed Enigma

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Fairuza Balk - The Concealed Enigma
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*smiles* I work mostly with Paint Shop Pro 7. Its really quite powerful, especially if you get the plug in filters for it...most of working with images have to do with patience and a willingness to fully learn the software. If you play around enough with it though, its loads of fun and can do damn near anything...I will be putting up a page of my best avitar work soon and will share the link on this board...I don't charge for this sort of thing because, even though I may be good at it, I believe that everything on the web should be free *big cheesy grin* Its like this...I really like your website, very well, I do know a little bit of HTML coding, but I'm not really great at programing...we all have areas of knowledge that are our strong points and we can all learn from one anouther.

On a side note, we are looking at getting a 3D accelerator for my wifes desktop (I can't possibly fit one on my laptop *laughs*) and definatly massively upgrading the RAM on both puters...we are very much into the graphics design and both love working with pictures...If you like, whenever the mood takes me, I would love to fool around and make more collages/avitars featuring Ru...I think she is a beautiful woman and, from what I have seen of her appearances, I bet she has just a great attitude...she is one celebrity that I would love to actaully have the opertunity to meet in person.