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Fairuza Balk - The Concealed Enigma

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Please use this forum to express your opinions about the talented actress Fairuza Balk! Above all, keep your messages clean, and respect other people!

Fairuza Forum @
Fairuza Balk - The Concealed Enigma
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Re: Re: Re: Drink to Fairuza!

Oops, that last one wasn't supposed to by anonymous!

That was my mistake, sorryyyyyyyy!

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Replying to:

Right on man, glad I could help, cause it really is

a great site! I'll visit here often. Don't worry about

being intoxicated, I get tanked as often as I can!

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Replying to:

Like fuckin yeah man!

I know this because when my oxygen supply started to go i came here n i was all better again! woohoo! lol...

Dunno who u r chris but ur cool 4 likin the site man!

Sorry i'm currently highly intoxicated and getting ready to go out

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Replying to:

Attention everybody: there's a new rule, if you use

oxygen, you have to visit, it's that

simple. If you don't visit, you don't get anymore oxygen.

Why this new rule? Because is a truly

great site and deserves your attention. Tell everybody

you know, help spread the word.