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Fairuza Balk - The Concealed Enigma

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Please use this forum to express your opinions about the talented actress Fairuza Balk! Above all, keep your messages clean, and respect other people!

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Fairuza Balk - The Concealed Enigma
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I would like to see more of Fairuza in the movies and TV. I think she is one of the most sexy and adorable women that I have ever seen . I have to admit until I saw the Craft I have never heard of her but man have I been missing something. I know that I have seen the Craft at least 30 times and I might watch it again tonight, she is awesome and not only in the Craft but every place else I have seen her as well.I saw her in a photo wearing a ski jacket and holding a cup of coffee and she looked so sweet , all I could say was Daaaamn.