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Passing of another good foxhunter, judge and friend.

Jerry Holbrook passed away last night after a battle with cancer. Jerry lived in Ashland Ms. and was a great forks of the creek hunter who was always ready to help judge the local hunt's and help in any way he could. He had been President of the Tippah county FHA for several years serving well and doing a super job. Jerry grew up hunting with his dad and grandpa who had been super old timey foxhunters. Jerry told me once that when his Grandpa went hunting, that after he spoke to everyone and the hounds started running he would leave the camp and go listen to the hounds saying that he came to hear hounds run not hear somebody talk, and there would be plenty of time to talk the next day.
Jerry's Dad Mr. Johnny Holbrook was probably the last Trumbo breeder that I knew, keeping the breed up until he ran out of anything to cross on.
Jerry was a great guy to hunt with always having a lot of fun and friendly bragging during and after he hunted with his buddies. I talked with Jerry alot and knew where he stood with his Lord and Savior and I know he's enjoying seeing his Dad and Mom and little cripple Grandson who went before him and the Lord himself. Jerry will be at the Holly Springs Funeral Home in Holly Springs Ms. from 5 until 9 Sun. night Jan. 15 and funeral services will be at Liberty Methodist church in Ashland Ms. at 1:00 monday Jan. 16.
The Foxhunting world has lost a good one but the Lord has gained a great one. Till we meet again my friend.