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Richmond Times Dispatch Article calling Fox Pens a Blood Sport

This article is garbage and puts so much spin on our sport. Putting it out to be something it's not. It compares it to dog fighting. It's appalling. This is the 2nd article the Times Dispatch has published about fox pens.

Everyone needs to comment and set the record straight. Be polite and courteous and make intelligent comments.

Copy and paste the website address below to view the article


I can tell you what I will never buy another Richmond Times Dispatch again. In the article it says the Richmond Times Dispatch is supporting the ban of fox pens

Here is the 1st article that was in the Times Dispatch that folks also need to comment on


Also comment on this. This was a story that was on channel 13 on the Lynchburg, Danville, Roanoke 6'0-Clock news. Which is total garbage too.
