
Official Website of the Foxhunters Hall of Fame

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Attention Missouri Hunters

Folks I want to urge all of you to come to the sporting dog meeting March 4. Many of you may not realize the good that the Sporting Dog org. has done for you and your hounds. All of you should come and listen to our lobbyists Ms Karen speak. It is truly a honor to have her working for us! She herself is the one that sued the HSUS when they came and threaten our right here in Missouri. Ms Karen says she has lots to inform us on. Of things that is goin on in our capital at the moment. It is time that we all realize that our way of life is being threaten and we need to start banding together and prepare for the fight of our lives. HSUS will be back! I hope if you can't make it to the meeting please pay your dues and show your support for you sport. Thanks and hope to see you there.