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Mr Almand, i am sorry to hear of reptor's passing. i really appreciate the 3 months i had the old man at my house. your description of him is right on. He was a VERY agressive breeder at 13 and sired 17 pups from 2 litters here to prove it. he was a nice old hound and did not look or act his age. I am looking forward to breaking the ones off of my gunstock casper gyp. i dont know what AMUSED is talking about but i think george and johnny were off the same cross as my red reba gyp was Cutrers Reptor x blounts red lady and yes they were bred by charles bailey sr. reba was a good hound too and i hate i lost her when her stinger j pups were only 5 days old, but thanks to my wife i was able to raise 3 nice reptor grandpups with a bottle. thanks again and god bless. wayne lucy