
Official Website of the Foxhunters Hall of Fame

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Great news

Had a great visit from 2 of my good frinds from Florida, Jamie Sauls and Jason Bedsole. The good news is that both are getting back in to hunting and are getting some nice young hounds. It is great to see these Florida hunters coming back and not giving up on this great sport after all they have been thru. We also had Doug Shocky from Malvern Ark. down to join us and we had a good time talking hounds and hearing some Snowman pups run this morning. Good to see all of you and can't say enough how I enjoyed having all of you up for a good time. Johnnie Henderson and Stewart Baxley will be coming next friday for a visit and we will be running some Rainman, Snowman, and Squirrel pups. Jamie I think is coming back too and I have a feeling we are fixing to hear from Gunstock Kennels again. Wish all of you the best and just wished we lived closer so we could do this more often. Good luck and hunting to all of you in Florida and hope to see all of you again soon.