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Election 2012

How do you people feel about the presidential election?
You people better wake up. Capitalism is on the line. What system will work. This welfare will fail. I believe one thing, this is a great country. There are so many ways to analyze this. Look at your own situation. As President Reagan said " Are you better off than you were four years ago. I can be a GOP, I can be a Dem. We must get people elected who are intelligent to make this country survive and prosper. One thing you must remember -a dumb voter elects a dumb representative of the people!

Re: Election 2012


Re: Election 2012

Wish more people could see ahead instead of having to feel.

Re: Election 2012

I agree 100% however, I have bad news to report,

That Socialist will go back in for 4 more years, because America has slipped and will fall.

I feel for my children and the people of this great country, but The Word of God is true in all generations.

The Word of God clearly says that a Nation that forgets God will fall be destroyed.

We as God fearing people better wake up and realize what lies in the future for this great country.

The only reason I can think of that The God that I serve has not already brought judgmeent upon AMERICA is due to there must still be over 10 that are serving HIM with their whole heart.

Remember Sodom, God told Abram that he would save Sodom if he could find 50 righteous, right down to 10, but they could not be found.

We live in a sick and perverse Nation which was once a Great Godly Nation, the Greatest country on earth, but in times of prosperity people forget where their help comes from.

I am may be in the minority here but I don't think it is going to get any better, thus Obama will go back in and people of this Great Country will suffer, but there again, we deserve it, we have not stood up for the things that we should have stood up for.

We have allowed so much ungodliness and wickness to become apart of our everday lives that most of us just pass off as okay.

The Word tells me, "Woe unto them who call evil good and good evil". This we have done to much of and do it every day.

The only thing that can save us is Jesus Christ and His Coming quickly as I hope HE will do.

Time is running out on this earth and I am a GLAD, I am Happy, I am ready to see the Man Christ Jesus and be forever blest and satisfied with HIM.

Looking for HIM just any minute now, are YOU?

If not, you will be after OBAMA gets through with his antichristian ways.

I could go on and on I will close with one last thought,

Have Mercy on us Lord, and God Bless America.

True Grit,
Jonathan Blakeley

Re: Election 2012

It's a sad feeling knowing people will vote Obama just because of the democrat party. Destroy the greatest country in the world rather than stray from party line voting.

Re: Election 2012


Re: Election 2012

HILLBILLY INC you got bud.

This country is in trouble and most folks don't even know it.

True Grit,


Re: Election 2012

no one looks around them to see whats going on. we are at 51% working 49% living on us that do. when it gets to 50-50 its game over. Both partys have failed us. there so worry about themself and the big money that got them there that they have forgotten about we the poeple. I see where a lot of poeple on this site have very strong ideas on how things should be. Some I like some I dont but how many of you have pick up the phone, wrote a letter or e-mail your Local- Fed. congress people. Intill we the people start letting them know that we what and need they will never do the peoples work.

Re: Election 2012

Give a man a fish he eats for a day; teach a man to fish he eats for a life time!! It's time to stand up!! Not give up!! The choice is ours; we can be hand feed like live stock; or self feed as free men!!By God I was granted life;and by God my life will end. No man is MY keeper!!!This Nation Does not need more Republican against Democrat;men against women;color against color. This is our time stand and make your voice heard!! UNITED STATES not divided states!!!! FREEDOM FREEDOM

Re: Election 2012

Very well stated Mr. Vance.

Re: Election 2012

True Grit have you read the 'Harbinger'? It expands on what you said. Relates 911 and the stock market /housing crisis episodes to wake up calls. Do you think America heard the call? Me either. We are headed the way Isreal did in 700BC. I hope we wake up

Re: Election 2012


Re: Election 2012
