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Who is going to keep paying all the welfare in this country? It is all a giant ponzi scheme. You don't believe it, do a little research!How are all the social programs going to survive? Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Supplemental Security Income, Social Security Disability. Do you keep up with international news? Greece, Spain? These people on disability that can and do work are killing the country. If there are as many in every community on disability as there are where I live, holy Mother of God! They are everywhere. The ones that are able to work are worthless garbage. I know how to qualify what I am talking about. If you have contact with these folks, have you heard the word "check". I have to tell you nothing more. Wake up America.


Jeremy so so true. no one looks around them to see whats going on. we are at 51% working 49% living on us that do. when it gets to 50-50 its game over. Both partys have failed us. there so worry about themself and the big money that got them there that they have forgotten about we the poeple. I see where a lot of poeple on this site have very strong ideas on how things should be. Some I like some I dont but how many of you have pick up the phone, wrote a letter or e-mail your Local- Fed. congress people. Intill we the people start letting them know that we what and need they will never do the peoples work.


just go on facebook listen to ole hank singin (TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY)!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ima Tool Your math confuses me, 49% living off of 51%, yet the unemployment rate is 8.2%, Typical right wing BS


don't your democrat buddies school you better than than that. 51 percent are on government assistance of some kind. wether they work or not. spin it ever how you want fact is fact. the goverment has no money, they take from the capitalist, like the people that employ you. the government should stay out private companies. the goverment should not be in our private lives,in health care etc, buying votes. it should be left up to local governments, churches, families. no poor person ever hired me. fat and happy people don't like to work.I have yet to see a truly hungry person. when CHRIST walked the earth there was truly poor people,lieing in the gutters,sick, hungry and dying, HE SAID THE POOR WILL ALLWAYS BE WITH US.most people that are poor in this country choose to be, no pain no gain. the capitalist have pumped trillions of dollars into schools, the poor, health care, forein aid. bush added 50 billion more in schools yet test scores are about tenth in the world and still falling, after all the capitalist are the only ones making any money.the poor, and the government don't have any money,they contibute nothing to the GNP. they only take right!!! whose paying the 200 billion a month in taxes that the government spends, the capitalist right!!! what if the capitalist quit working and paying taxes today hmmmm? the sick would die, hungry would starve to death, government workers would have to walk home from washington, the unions would not be able to fund the dnc,SOLAR PANEL companies could no get thier 500 billion dollar grant from obama, so thier ceo's could get a big bonus, and send the dnc and obama some campaine cash etc. when you start providing for people, they quit helping them selves. like the coyotes in my foxpen when I pull in the gate they fall in the road ready to eat, rabbits are out of controll in there. when the top 5 percent gets tired and stops paying 60 percent of taxes. whose going to pay, you, obama, and the poor. its all BS, you democrats-progressives talk. I would not be hitting the gift horse in the mouth if I depent on other people for my well being. I believe in helping the truly poor,destitute. I'm from REALVILLE not idealog-ville. I'm no repub, going to vote,for the most conservative canidates. I don't drink the kool-aid!! I'm like; ole HANK I can skin a buck and run a trot line, grow good ole tomatoes, and home make whine. The great capitalist people that built this great country pull their boot straps up, took the bull by the horns. MAY GOD HELP THE TRULY POOR AND SICK, SHAME THE REST FOR USING UNFORTUNE PEOPLE FOR THIER POLITICAL GAINS OH, I'M SORRY IF I OFFENDED ANYONE FOR MENTIONING GOD NOT REALLY


im a member of the NRA read the article in this months american hunter magazine what this lame obama machine wants to take from us now !!!! OUR FREEDOM OF SPEECH


Mr Potlicker, you can try to explain this to Worm and you are just butting your head against the wall. I have tried fro more than a year now and certainly no progress. It would be like trying to explain to one of your hounds how you can get into a space ship and go to the moon, they just don't have the capacity of understanding!!!!!!


worm allways took you for some one who would look thimks up before you type. yes 49% of folks are taking some form of help from the Gov, that is a fact. 51% of us pay for it. Thats a fact.Once it goes the other why its game over for the USA. Make me thing why is this Gov pushing so hard for people to take food stamps? If this guy get four more year all the super rich will move out like so many that all ready have. Then who will he TAX. You dont have to work at NASA to know whos next. hold on the court just let him pass the largest middle class tax in the history of our country. to late he all ready got us


made a mistake above. should have type that 49% pay no taxes and 51% do pay taxes. the top 2% pay the most of the 51% that do pay taxes those are the facts.


It is going down hill faster today than it ever has, and probably not going to change, no matter what happens in Nov 2012.

Now if the socialist muslim goes back in it will be worse however, if the other guy goes in it probably won't get a lot better. The Gov has taken over and that is never good.

Gov should not be allowed to run our lives but they are controlling more of it ever day.

I am not sure how much more or how much worse but I fear the destination of this great country. We as Americans have stoood by and allowed the devil, I will call him Satan, the serpen, I will call him what he is a liar and the father of it. We have turned our back we have allowed his ministers to inflitrate our gov, schools, churches and homes. We have turned our back and not took a stand. It is ugly as sin and I am trusting the Master to be gracious unto me a poor sinner and take care of my family because HE promised he would but he also told my great great grandfather that by the sweat of thy face shalll you eat bread. Boy we have missed that one!


Yes let's pay these people to live off taxpayers dollars give them housing,food stamps etc.let them breed like rabbits so we can pick up the hospital tab too.isn't it great and a no drug test policy for them...ps support your local wal mart


Ladies and gentlemen we are BROKE. Ok what do we do at home when this happens? A: we can go to boss and demand more money[temp. fix the more you make the more you spend] B:balance the budget [nobody wants this,it hurts]C: ride this crazy train and see what happens. So we call family meeting everyone at kitchen table. Well plan A didnt work boss said NO![good for him I'm glad]We all agree plan C not such a good idea. So they ask about plan A, well guys we have to cut spending which means no Hawaii vacation we will do a long weekend camping,cell phones gotta go, in ground pool not gonna happen and beans and rice to eat,and honey fake nails and hair dos are out!Now everyone hates you because it HURTS but they will love you in a year or two when you can have that stuff but you pay for it when you buy it we dont borrow or steal for it! The USA brings in 7 billion a day they need to use it wisely not like they do IT'S JUST THAT SIMPLE but it will hurt at first! Oh the Boss=taxpayers....crazy train=what Uncle Sam wants to try....balanced budget= something they refuse to do! VOTE SHEEPLE for someone that will do this, dang


I left some out: Boss= we the people,they work for us...Vote = hire but they tell us what to do how much they "earn" and give themselves nice pensions....piggy bank= social security, we are too stupid to take care of ourselves so they take our money and save it for us and dangle it in our face every time they are in trouble.But wait they spent all of it,they can't pay it back because they dont earn they just spend so I guess we need to pay back ourselves.Sounds like Bernie Madoff don't it.Does big oil have a say..if cars would have "evolved" as fast as phones we would be amazed.Had enough yet? I have.


You are on a roll Ray. Let's hear more!