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2 Simultaneous Money Hunts on August 11th- Let's See Who Has The Best Packs!!!

Simultaneous field trials at Round O Fox Run & Hard Running Fox Pen on August 11th.
Round O will be an open one class money hunt with payouts for top hound and top 4 dog pack. Entries will be $25 per dog in the single dog category and $100 per pack in the 4 dog pack category. All dogs entered in both will be eligible for top dog payout. Cast will be at 6 am and will run 5 hours.

Hard Running Fox Pen will be a puppy money hunt with same entries for single dog and 4 dog pack. Puppies have to be born after April 1, 2011. Cast will be at 7 am and will run 4 hours to give hunters ability to run in both hunts.

Call Philip Runyon @843-729-1883 for number reservations. There will be 2 books for these hunts. All judges will be supplied by Jenkins Hunt Club.

Re: 2 Simultaneous Money Hunts on August 11th- Let's See Who Has The Best Packs!!!

Where are these pens located?