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RESULTS: Paula Morrison Benefit Hunt

This benefit hunt was HUGE success. We appreciate each and everyone of you that came out to support this benefit. We had 72 dogs that entered the hunt and we had 17 judges show up to volunteer for judging. KUDOS to all of you! We would like to recognize Darvon Freeman for being the Master of the Hunt and for the many other things that he and his wife did before and during the hunt. We also want to recognize Randy McGovern and Showtime Dog Food for their generous contribution. Many people offered items to be auctioned off after the hunt that raised a generous amount of money for the cause. We thank everyone for their contributions. We pray that the money raised will take a lot of financial burden away from Paula so she may focus on her physical and mental health. Please continue to keep Paula in your prays.

Thanks again.
Greg, Cindy and Samantha Morrison

Results are as follows:

1st Place: Rap ~ SWS Kennels
2nd Place: Sexy Girl ~ Speedy PeeDee Kennels
3rd Place: Little Jimmy ~ Buckhead Kennels
4th Place: Speck ~ SWS Kennels
5th Place: Sandnat ~ Stanley Corbett
6th Place: Morrison's Crystal ~ Sam Morrison
7th Place: Mizell's Frankie ~ Brian Mizell
8th Place: G & L W2 ~ Pay Day Kennels
9th Place: Morrison's Bird ~ Sam Morrison
10th Place: Big Brown ~ Pay Day Kennels

Congrats to all of you that placed in this hunt!