
Official Website of the Foxhunters Hall of Fame

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The Polaris Ranger hunt at Holden North Fox Pen is canceled. Land owner thinned 160 acres of my pen last week and its going to take me a while to get the running back the way I want it for this type of a hunt. With people putting up that much money, I don't want the running to be anything less than great, and it wasn't this morning at all. I will shut down for a couple weeks to let my coyotes adjust to the new conditions, then I will start bumping them around again. I'm sorry for any inconvenience, and I think I could have it ready by then, but I'd rather be on the safe side and cancel now than to wait until 2 weeks before the hunt to do it. I will try to have this hunt again in the future. Maybe in the spring, but I will just see how it goes. Thanks.