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Puppy Training (Tylertown,Ms)

Will train pups at a rate of $50 per pup for 4 weeks.
(1) Excellent care
(2) No overcrowding
(3) Pups run 2 times per week (3 hours max per outing)
(4) Lead broke
(5) Adjusted rates for pups that fail to start
(1) No wild or very shy pups
(2) Will book up to 5 pups for the 4 week training session
(3) Pups in same training session will be within 1 month of each other
in age ( Age determined by first pup booked)
(4)Pups must be picked up promptly at end of session to allow for new
session to begin
First training session begins Feb.2,2013 and ends Mar.2,2013.
For bookings call DannyMcCallum at 601-876-4848 or (cell)601-303-0237

Re: Puppy Training (Tylertown,Ms)

First session booked . Second session begins Mar. 2,2013 .

Re: Puppy Training (Tylertown,Ms)

March and April booked

Re: Puppy Training (Tylertown,Ms)

I am glad to see you are doing well. You are a great American. Best of wishes with your new pen and I will be in touch shortly for an experience with my pups from the great state of Alabama!!!!

Re: Puppy Training (Tylertown,Ms)

THANKS Jeremy !!!! I've been blessed . Today is my last day of chemo and my final surgery is Dec. 28 . Everything is good and it make's any person feel proud to have friends like you make comments like yours . THANKS !!!!

Re: Puppy Training (Tylertown,Ms)

May and June booked . Will have a waiting list in case of cancellations or you can come train your own at a rate of $4 per puppy with a $20 minimum . No charge , after $20 min., for pups not running .

Re: Puppy Training (Tylertown,Ms)

July booked !

Re: Puppy Training (Tylertown,Ms)

Danny is it in the same place as you had one years ago?

Re: Puppy Training (Tylertown,Ms)

No , brand new and adjacent to my back yard . I can sit on my back patio and hear them run . Love it ! PS : Just added a few more coyotes.

Re: Puppy Training (Tylertown,Ms)

Had a cancellation for the month of May . Books are open for 6 pups .

Re: Puppy Training (Tylertown,Ms)

Danny is your pretty boy pup and lil man by Trouble

Re: Puppy Training (Tylertown,Ms)

Yes , I posted their breeding on castaway results . Very nice pups with good mouths .

Re: Puppy Training (Tylertown,Ms)

Thanks Danny after I posted this I saw where you put it on Castaway results

Re: Puppy Training (Tylertown,Ms)

Danny how old do you recommend them to be before trying to start them . Mine will be 4 months old in April.

Re: Puppy Training (Tylertown,Ms)

April 24th that is.

Re: Puppy Training (Tylertown,Ms)

Chuck it may not be my business if it aint I apoligize but I don't try in start mine till they turn five and a half to 6 months old !! I have started some younger but I had trouble with them hurting themselves. Hope this helps!!! God bless and happy hunting/running!!

Re: Puppy Training (Tylertown,Ms)

Every man is his own opinion but I think no less than 7 months old . That is just my opinion . I don't usually start mine until they are 8 months old . These last pups that I have been having so much luck with I didn't start until they were 10 months old .

Re: Puppy Training (Tylertown,Ms)

Thanks Danny , your opinion matters I am new to the fox / field trial so any profesionall opinion helps. I got 3 fine pups off some really good hounds and I want to start them the right way. Thanks again for your advise.

Re: Puppy Training (Tylertown,Ms)

Spanky I have heard your name around a lot and it seems to me you know what your talking about . I like said I am new to this I always have had deer hounds but really enjoy listening to the fox hounds rather than chasing deer hounds . I love to hear a good race so any advise I can get is great . Thanks.

Re: Puppy Training (Tylertown,Ms)

I am new to this so both opinions are greatly appreciated . I have three beautiful pups and don't want to mess up by starting them to early . Thanks for the great advise from both Danny and Spanky. Hope to get to run with both of you.

Re: Puppy Training (Tylertown,Ms)

Starting today March 29 , 2013 training fee will be $60 per pup for 4 weeks training . Pups that have already been booked will still be $50 . This change is for new bookings . I like to make sure pups are well fed and its hard to come out at old price . Thanks for all the business .