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South ga puppy hunters

I have been told that some of you say the pups kenny and i are running have to be to old and i take that as you are calling us cheaters. I assure you they are the right age or we would not be running them. In over 20 years of registering hounds i have never doctored papers. Just so you guys can keep up with our breedding program have two litters born the last two days off of yahoo 2-10-13 and 2-11-13. So in 9 or ten months from now when we come to your puppy hunts all of you will know how old they are. I have an idea who started all this so dont call wanting a yahoo pup. I dont like putting stuff on here like this but i had to get it off my mind. Mark ridaught r&w kennels

Re: South ga puppy hunters

Mark if they r saying that then they r saying it about Mr. Hutchinson to cause he is the one that litter enrolled the pups .that is what my chase magazine said anyways

Re: South ga puppy hunters

Elmer the pups are the right age or we would not run them. I have no reason to question mr hutchinson i respect the man and his word. All we wanted to do is run a few puppy hunts and you wind up doing good and people start crap. Thats all you here anymore at hunts. Shake the mans hand that beet you and try to get better dogs for the next hunt.

Re: South ga puppy hunters

Mark I am truly glad you won the hunt. We will see next week if you can run with the big boys.

Re: South ga puppy hunters

Carl looking forward to fla st might not win but will have a good time however it turns out.

Re: South ga puppy hunters

I know what u r saying it's all u here anymore is someone is cheating .I just can't wait to see them run they r doing a good job in these puppy hunts

Re: South ga puppy hunters

Mr. mark I remember seeing them pups at Mr. Wade last year . When mr.wade started some for me and Mr. Wade is a fine Christian man .

Re: South ga puppy hunters

Amen to having a good time and don't worry about that little group of sore losers.

Re: South ga puppy hunters

Mark will you please let Howard borrow a dog. I heard he is going to run some dogs off Wally next week. I had three of them. I gave them away to a brace hunter. He brought them back and said they were to slow for that. PLEASE HELP!

Re: South ga puppy hunters

That pup kenny won with at red gate last weekend is an awesome pup the rest of us didnt stand a chance, I heard it wont be at ty ty this weekend and I am relieved maybe I will be able to get in a race now haha yall boys keep up the good work and as far as mr wade goes he is one of the finest men I have ever got to meet

Re: South ga puppy hunters

I think I made my point Mr.wade is not going to doctor papers for pups that is what I was getting at.

Re: South ga puppy hunters

carl all mine are the wrong color for howard. he will be tough as always. you were talking about us sr's at the ote. a couple of them almost won the all american. said they are comming to the fl state with blood in their eyes you must have made them mad

Re: South ga puppy hunters

The blood in their eyes probably has something to do with cataracts!

Re: South ga puppy hunters

Could be the high blood pressure too. Mark mabey y'all need to up your meds next week.

Re: South ga puppy hunters

Mark you dont to explain yourself to anybody. The ones that are saying that crap must have a habit of running pups that are to old or they would not even think like that, sounds like guilt talking to me. you and kenny keep up the hard work an dont worry before its all over there will be more crying cause them two gyps are only going to get better.

Toby Claxton

Re: South ga puppy hunters

I have known kenny for over 18 years and he is one of the finest hound men there is.
If i and not mistaken he is hard to run with anytime inside a fence or out . So for people to say things like that about people who take pride in the sport . Its probably going to get worse on you. To Kenny Mark and Mr.hutchinson keep up the good work. And good luck with the new yahoo pups.