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FOX PRESERVES SB1280 / HB1829 GPS Bill - UPDATE AS OF 2/14/2013

The GPS/tracking collar bill (HB 1829) was passed in the Senate a short while ago. The attempt by Sen. Peterson (D Fairfax) to amend the bill with the language However, it is unlawful to stage or parti****te in any hunting activity or related competition where a fox is pursued in an enclosure by dogs for money or prizes, failed because Lt. Governor Bill Bolling,Presiding Officer of the Senate, ruled that the amendment was NOT germane to (did not address)the purpose of HB 1829. Prior to this ruling Senate Ag Committee chairman Emmitt Hanger R- Augusta, Sen. Richard Stuart, R Stafford, AND Majority Leader Tommy Norment R-Williamsburg carried the debate for us with distinction. It was our friend the majority leader who moved that Sen. Peterson’s substitute be ruled not germane. The Lt. Governor then ruled the substitute not germane. This ruling was appealed by Sen. Peterson. The appeal was defeated on a straight party line vote.

Our tracking collar bill was then passed by the Senate of Virginia in its original form without objection.

The VaHDA had taken extra precautions prior to the internet and legislative
brouhaha against any passage of this bill containing a Trojan horse harming
fox preserves or our hunting heritage.

As we previously told you, any threat to fox preserves or our heritage via legislation from the 2013 Virginia legislative session is over for this year.

However the governor must sign this bill, which is important to all people who hunt with dogs. The bill should be on the Governors’ desk by Monday. Those of you who have worked so hard need only make one more effort and call the Governor Monday at 804-786-2211 and ask that he sign this bill (HB 1829).

However, our Fox Preserve respite will be short. DGIF staff will propose additional Fox Preserve regulations on March 20th which may or may not be acceptable.

A series of eight public hearings on these new regulations will commence in April.

The HSUS can be expected to attempt to influence these regulations to the detriment of the fox preserves and all hunters with their made for public media distortions during this process. We have learned that not challenging these distortions allows HSUS to frame the issue in the public’s perception, and must be answered. Stay tuned!

Please spread the word far and wide!!

Kirby Burch
Legislative Vice Chairman