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k-l oneal challenge hunt

march 16
40 dollars
cast day break
3 hours
start taking numbers march 10

Re: k-l oneal challenge hunt

taking numbers sunday after six pm.

Re: k-l oneal challenge hunt

Runt How big is pen and location thanks

Re: k-l oneal challenge hunt


Re: k-l oneal challenge hunt

Must be a bad year for puppy hunters.. sure is quiet.

Will anybody be able to compete with oneil?

Re: k-l oneal challenge hunt

He will b tuff but this will a barn burner with lot gud pups who u thank will b the top

Re: k-l oneal challenge hunt

My money is on Big Hixon & Q Ball...! Wish I didn't have to work so I could be there to see all the action. I don't plan on missing it next year!

Re: k-l oneal challenge hunt

Whats the line up.

Re: k-l oneal challenge hunt

I hear the line up will be disappointed when they see the Kid rock puppy school them all. I hear he has been practicing for a solid month for this.

Re: k-l oneal challenge hunt

Who has the heat in both classes lets get predictions.

Re: k-l oneal challenge hunt

efird got those little pops ready

Re: k-l oneal challenge hunt

He will have them ready you better believe it, Jack

Re: k-l oneal challenge hunt

Si have you had your tea today efird doesn't have nothing. i dont think cell phones were invented the last time he placed young class will be the young and liggins and davis show. old class will be hemphill then hemphill then hemphill well you catch my drift

Re: k-l oneal challenge hunt


Re: k-l oneal challenge hunt

Young class hixson davis bell hemphil old hemphil hemphil efird there all so sweet

Re: k-l oneal challenge hunt

Hixon couldn't get in top 15 at Lockesburg last week. How can he compete in this one, .....FUNNY..

Re: k-l oneal challenge hunt

Rite you are mr trey. my guess is hemhills efird davis pop bell an mud creek. but ill be there will you?

Re: k-l oneal challenge hunt

Mud creek is my pick in young. Carl Hemphill in old. If Pop is there he will have something. Never count out Morrison & Bell. We all know Mr Oneal will be tough like always

Re: k-l oneal challenge hunt

The difference between Locksburg hunt an K&L is that Locksburg had the winners picked before the cast. K&L is a good place to find out what ya feedin! Efird's won't get shut out tomorrow!

Re: k-l oneal challenge hunt

From the sound of it, the same thing is happening at K & L. Don't be a sore looser, those pups will be there tomorrow, you will get shown first hand what they got. So, don't miss the show.

Re: k-l oneal challenge hunt

If u gona talk **** about my hunts @ pen have the balls two put ur name on it but u probably dont have any

Re: k-l oneal challenge hunt

O ya pen boss is kevin smart 903 824 1078 but we dont pick frowers up there we pick the best hound that day scores are done in front everone judges sheets are there for u two see not done behind closed. Doors

Re: k-l oneal challenge hunt

lockesburg is the only place to get a fair shake. them boys dont care who wins. heck man you can see whats runnin up.

Re: k-l oneal challenge hunt

best dog wins the hunt... Thats all I have ever seen at Lockesburg. Sometimes losers get disappointed. TIGHTEN UP.

Re: k-l oneal challenge hunt

Anybody heard the outcome of todays hunt???

Re: k-l oneal challenge hunt

Hixon won both classes