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Desotos rock solid

Desktops rock solid for sales, it goes back to big thunder on top and on bottom goes back to teats banjo, for info on rock contact 6014024075. Litter enrollment number l86380 date of birth 6-10-09

Re: Desotos rock solid

Desoto's *

Re: Desotos rock solid

B t t

Re: Desotos rock solid

Are u selling him for a deer dog or what ?

Re: Desotos rock solid

Whats his record?

Re: Desotos rock solid

Why didn't you put his registration number on here

Re: Desotos rock solid

Who cares bout his registration number desoto's rock solid. Call the horn he registered. Same dog Benny Walley and Brad Tally had. Think he placed in bout every hunt the was put in besides just a few

Re: Desotos rock solid

Whats worng with him if he that good an done had 3 owners?

Re: Desotos rock solid

If anybody has a problem with Rock, call me, Brian graham . He has placed and won several hunts.

Re: Desotos rock solid

Wats the price on him? I tried to call this. # twice no answer

Re: Desotos rock solid

I got one pup off of Rock that I like and seen some more that I liked to the ones I seem off of him is some nice ones wouldn't mind breeding to him.

Re: Desotos rock solid

nick hows that july dog workin out for ya

Re: Desotos rock solid

He's doing good

Re: Desotos rock solid


Re: Desotos rock solid


Re: Desotos rock solid

The guy from North Lousiana if u could call me back. I lost ur number. Thanks

Re: Desotos rock solid


Re: Desotos rock solid

What you mean btt Mr. Graham?

Re: Desotos rock solid

Bring to top 👍👍

Re: Desotos rock solid

Mr. Graham, What's Sire & Dam of this hound ?If you dont mind me asking.Thank you for your time sir.


Woods Luke Desoto's l"I bit

Re: No


Re: No

Name your price or quit BTT

Re: No

500 joe

Re: No

Thats a good price turtle.

Re: Desotos rock solid

Sounds like you need to put him on the clearance rack.

Re: Desotos rock solid


Re: Desotos rock solid


Re: Desotos rock solid

Sounds like he couldnt give him away wil start the bidding at five dollars who will give six lol

Re: Desotos rock solid

Desotos Rock Solid pup placed 2nd at red gate last saturday scored over 1400 points.

Re: Desotos rock solid
