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Results!!! Happy's hunting club outside hunt The run for the guns

Would like to Thank everyone agian that showed up and participated in making this a Great Hunt! Would like to Thank Claude Hinton and Showtime Feed for Donations! We had 180 hounds casted! With tons of good running! If you missed this hunt you missed a good one!! The top 10 are as follows!

hound # 0wner
1 70 Sherman Ladner (Driftwood)
2 133 Tiny Simmons
3 160 Heath Smith
4 97 Daniel Seymore
5 179 Dillon Ladner
6 804 Brandon Smith
7 41 Alex&Ethan Shaw
8 191 Bert Rester
9 177 Bert Rester
10 181 Bert Rester

Thanks again and congradulations to all who placed!!


Re: Results!!! Happy's hunting club outside hunt The run for the guns

What are the hound names and breedings?

Re: Results!!! Happy's hunting club outside hunt The run for the guns

That will have to come from the hunters we did not have that

Re: Results!!! Happy's hunting club outside hunt The run for the guns

dedeaux26's field trial 2013 album on Photobucket