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Who's ready to see Mizzou put a whooping on the PIGLETS?


Re: Who's ready to see Mizzou put a whooping on the PIGLETS?

Come on Small don't be like them guys from that state down south of here I hope we kick yall's tail but i don't see it happening Should be a good game

Re: Who's ready to see Mizzou put a whooping on the PIGLETS?

I could have got some tickets but didn't, I'm regretting it now. I think it will be a good one. We lost kansas for a rival so I guess it's going to have to be ARkansas. It's already shaping up to be a good one.

Re: Who's ready to see Mizzou put a whooping on the PIGLETS?

Jason, what do you mean, a rival??? Mizzou NEVER stood a chance !!!!!!!!! :)