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fish oil in feed

for the past ten days i have been mixn a little cod liver oil in with my dog feed. Heard it was supposed to make a dog really shine up coat wise. Just wonderin if any of yal have ever tried this and how long did it take to see good results.
Thanks stephen smith

Re: fish oil in feed

Stephen, what business and where did you purchase the cod liver oil? It is scarce in my home country.

Re: fish oil in feed

.Mr. Richey if you have a GNC health store in one of your Malls you can purchase 500 cod liver oil around $8.00 very reasonable these are pills. Buddy.

Re: fish oil in feed

Cod liver oil G N C 500 pills around $ 8.00

Re: fish oil in feed

Thanks Buddy.

Re: fish oil in feed

Stephen ive found that wheat germ oil is just as good a gallon will last a very long time its very rich and dont take a have a spoon full

Re: fish oil in feed

chuck i bought the oil from my local feed store. They ordered it in and only took a couple days. 8 dollars a bottle. But this was liquid, not capsules in a quart bottle that way i could just pour it on feed and kinda mix it.
And thanks guys for all the advise.

Re: fish oil in feed

How much wheat oil ya give

Re: fish oil in feed

just a small amount , say a half a cc works real good but will give them the runs if u use to much, loaded with alot of vitamins and minerals, will make them shine