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Best Puppy Feed

What's the best feed anyone has used to raise puppies on? And what age do you take them off the mom and give them strictly that?

Re: Best Puppy Feed

I like the Showttime puppy feed 30-20 I believe is the mix, but some people just keep feeding them the 27-20.. and I usually keep them with their mom till around 8 weeks..

Re: Best Puppy Feed

Wean at 6-8 weeks with wet food.... Then it's Showtime advanced 31-22 and raw chicken livers, gizzards, and hearts. Pro Plan is probably the best in my opinion, but $50 for 37 pounds adds up real quick

Re: Best Puppy Feed

Tops Premium makes big healthy puppies S.R.

Re: Best Puppy Feed

Hard to beat puppy chow for a couple sacks then go to Tops Hi-Pro 25/10.

Diamond puppy is good to however the cost is not good

Just some thoughts from a poor hunter. If I had plenty of money then I would probably feed Purina Pro Plan Puppy but that is not in the budget

True Grit

Re: Best Puppy Feed

Sportsman pride puppy feed I think it's 32 21 my pups really took off whe I started feeding it

Re: Best Puppy Feed

i usually start feeding as quick as they will eat, purina is good feed but i believe anything in the 26 18 catagory will do i have had them start eating as early as 2 weeks , i use a blender to grind it into a powder then mix milk replacer medicated with it, and a little canned feed, and use a small amount of wheat germ oil with it, as for weening i do not take them off the gyp i let her ween them but fix it where she can get away from them letting them suck when she wants them 2, i have had them suck till they were 10 weeks old ! theres nothing we can do thats as good as she can do it, it makes strong pups to do it like that and worm them over and over, panacur wormer at 3 weeks, then again at 6 and then again at 8 and it will clean them

Re: Best Puppy Feed

Brian, when you worm your pups do you give the Panacur liquid just one time or do you give it to each puppy three days in a row like we do for big hounds?

Re: Best Puppy Feed

3 days in a row ! vet said use it same as for a grown dog