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Leroy Husser

Leroy Husser , just trying to get a update on Ronnie

Re: Leroy Husser

chuck, ronnie is home and going thru a training program to improve his speech. he is having problems with being able to speak at times and telling you what he wants to say. also having problems with understanding what you say to him. you have to talk very slow to him. he get confuse in a crowd with a number of people speaking at a time. it appears his recovery will take some time. he get around real good and travel to the pen, in fact he went hunting thursday night for a few hours. thanks for checking on him.

Re: Leroy Husser

Thanks for the update Mr Leroy . Only know him from the pen but consider him a friend . Hope his therapy goes well I will see y'all at the pen soon . Got a couple I need to run . Hopefully I can get Mr Haskel to run Tuesday Night.

Re: Leroy Husser

haskill should be there on tuesday.