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Results of puppy hunt at K&P fox pen

I would like to start by saying thanks to all who made this a good hunt had good running and good hospitality and guy I would like to give a BIG thanks to hunters that are honest no matter what the out come is you no who you are so thanks!! After three hours of a thicket here is the out come! Oh and one more big thanks to my judges and the CHEF for the fish thanks MARK KENNEDY ! had some judges drive all the way from hot springs ar thanks guys!

1.1915 pts Darren & Daniel Hill
(Stalhs red man x teats Special K)

2.1815 pts Brian canerday

3.1585 pts Darren & Daniel Hill
(Stalhs red man x teats Special K)

4.1575 pts Nick Dark
(Darks streaking victor x darks bobby sue)

5.1425 pts Darren & Daniel hill
(Stalhs red man x teats Rita)

6.1420 pts Jeff broadway

7.1240 pts Brian canerday

8.1225 pts nick dark
(Pine drive LA x pine drive mable)

9.1195 pts Darren & Daniel hill
(Stahls red man x stalhs popcorn)

10.1125 pts Alex (lumpy) Dark
(Darks streaking victor x Darks bobby sue)

1.Darren & Daniel hill

2. Benson Thompson
(Thompson pinkie x Thompson snow angel)

3.brian canerday

4.darren & Daniel hill

5.nick dark

Re: Results of puppy hunt at K&P fox pen

2nd and 7th in the young class,and 3rd in the old was Wheel Of Fortune X Canerdays Ruby,Good hunt with some fast running,my neck is still sore from watching all the crossings I must have seen 75 or more.Thumbs up to Larry and Mark for having the pen in good shape and plenty of game,and a big thumbs up to Mark on cooking them fillet bass hushpuppies and fries.Larry Mark said the next hunt he was going to cook fillet whitepearch,I can tell you now Im coming whether I got a dog in the hunt or not.

Re: Results of puppy hunt at K&P fox pen

Congrats to Darren and Daniel can't wait to take
My Rita and my special k

Re: Results of puppy hunt at K&P fox pen

Congrats to the Hill Brothers on the win.an placing all 4.All the hard work has paid off..Good luck to yall on your future trials...