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SW Ark running puppy hunt RESULTS

Congrats to all that placed. We had a good turn out, thanks to all.

1st # 02 (650 Pts ) Steven Morrison
2nd # 61 (455 Pts ) Mudcreek
3rd # 615 (355 Pts ) Steven Morrison
4th # 46 (355 Pts ) Jeremy Adcock
5th # 41 (240 Pts ) Mudcreek
6th #09 (210 Pts ) Steven Morrison
7th #39 (210 pts ) Brandy Cox
8th # 04 (180 Pts ) Steven Morrison
9th # 42 ( 170 Pts ) Ronnie Lounous
10th # 614 ( 165 Pts ) Steven Morrison

Others that didn't get claps!
11th #66 ( 160pts ) Hoop of Hoop an Hollar Kennels
12th #22 ( 155pts) Brian Welch
13th #00 ( 145pts) Moonlight
14th #24 ( 140pts) Mark Cox
15th #49 ( 135pts) John Eric

Re: SW Ark running puppy hunt RESULTS

Was Kyle efird there !!!! Lol

Re: SW Ark running puppy hunt RESULTS

Can we see some breeding on these pups might need to get some !!!!

Re: SW Ark running puppy hunt RESULTS

Some should have been at the wester derby probley !!

Re: SW Ark running puppy hunt RESULTS

surely not!!!!!!!!!

Re: SW Ark running puppy hunt RESULTS


Re: SW Ark running puppy hunt RESULTS

11th #66 Carvers BoudAin/HUDDLESTON diamond ,Had a blast calling it out maybe I can do better next time (thanks to all that came) ! Had a good time as always hope y'all did too

Re: SW Ark running puppy hunt RESULTS

Truth be known probably 5 of the top 10 were too old to haul to the western derby

Re: SW Ark running puppy hunt RESULTS

You must have been one of the ones that brought dogs at one point, that couldn't get in the race. We completly understand your frustration. You might try some new breeding.

Re: SW Ark running puppy hunt RESULTS

Wonder why you didn't put your real name up "HUNTER"?

Re: SW Ark running puppy hunt RESULTS

He don't have any n#ts is why.

Re: SW Ark running puppy hunt RESULTS


Re: SW Ark running puppy hunt RESULTS

john eric, give me a call 228-860-0576