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Pinedale Clown B vs Carrs Black John

I own a female that is out of ch. bills gordon on top and durhams jan on the bottom. Thats makes her grandfathers pinedale clown on top and black john on the bottom. Both of them were stud dogs and in the hunts before my fox hunting days. My question is, which one was a better dog and which was a better reproducer. When I talk about her around folks I get mixed reviews. Some folks say wow its rare to see clown that close up, or ole black john was tough. Just wondering about them.

Re: Pinedale Clown B vs Carrs Black John

Do you want to sell her? Had gordon,s brother let that bloodline get away from me.

Re: Pinedale Clown B vs Carrs Black John

No, Jerry Martin and I own her and we are planning on breeding her. After what I saw this weekend, we may breed her to K&P yahoo if Mr. williams or his partner let us. I can keep you posted on the pups though.

Re: Pinedale Clown B vs Carrs Black John

K&P's yahoo is clown and woodstock on top and black john and diceman on bottom! What a cross this could be!

Re: Pinedale Clown B vs Carrs Black John

Clown was bred to everything in his day good or bad. He must have thrown some good ones just about everybody has got some Clown in their hounds some where. He was a freak of nature. However, to much Clown and u could lose some gamenes, just my opinion. No I don't have a problem with Clown but not all his pups were perfect, that I can promise you.

Now for Black John it is simple he was not bred to nearly as much but he still got some good pups. He through a lot of classy tuff hounds and bred to the right female they were pretty good. Now a lot of the dogs direct of Black John would fight a circle saw, they were real aggressive which made them very competive, which is good in one aspect bad in another. If you tried to keep to many in the same pen their would be a dog fight.

I would say John through a tuff hound and that Clown generally speaking probably through a little bit more speed and and better mouth.

There was some good Clowns and some good Black Johns as well there was a bunch of sorry ones thrown by each don't let anybody fool you.

Just some thoughts of a fox hunter who seen several of both.
One other thing I will say is a lot of folks had success crossing Black John gyps on Clown and vice versa.

True Grit

Re: Pinedale Clown B vs Carrs Black John

John you never said what you seen. I was wondering because i saw the yahoo dog of kenny run at Hawthorne and two other pens and he won s&d at all three he was probably the fastest hound i ever seen. Do you have a phone number or how i can reach kenny?

Re: Pinedale Clown B vs Carrs Black John

I saw 2 pups at red gate that were amazing fast and super tough. I can't remember both names I think one was R&w amy. I pulled one of the pups off of a coyote and her foot was bleeding bad at the end of the first hour. I asked if they wanted to catch her up and they said lets take a look. No sooner than I asked a coyote came across the road and she hit the road on all 4 like she was tied to it. For 4 solid hours his 2 pups were in the road the same time as the yote on every crossing. And most of the time they weren't together. They took 1st and 3rd and I believe 1st was 1600pts. Billy melvin had a real nice july that took 2nd. I don't know kenny williams personally but if you search K&P's yahoo there is a number for him were they got him up for stud.

Re: Pinedale Clown B vs Carrs Black John

I have watched amy and wendy run since they were 5 months old they have been heck to handle ever since they started running! mark and Kenny have made a lot of puppy hunters back up and regroup what they were holding. they are the fastest puppies I have seen in a long time. they both placed at the florida state derby, amy was high dog the first day 415 points not bad for 11 months old pups

Re: Pinedale Clown B vs Carrs Black John

Wer is yahoo located

Re: Pinedale Clown B vs Carrs Black John

Palatka Fl according to there stud advertisement

Re: Pinedale Clown B vs Carrs Black John

at Fla ST Yahoo pups won 3 out of 4 categories on bench BIS and BOS 3 HGA in derby

Re: Pinedale Clown B vs Carrs Black John

I had yahoo in palatka a few years ago when i posted that and did not get a call. He is at kennys in ga now. Kenny and i have bred him to a few and got good results. Have two litters now and more on the way we have not decided if we are going to sell some pups or not. Call kenny about breeding maybe we can work somthing out. Yahoo was the fastest dog i have ever seen run a yote. He had more closing speed than any dog i have seen before or since. Ill let yall know about the pups in a few weeks if we sell some.

Re: Pinedale Clown B vs Carrs Black John

Mr.john just curious those pups did they have good mouths and did they use them. And thanks again for the info i got kennys number going to give him a shout

Re: Pinedale Clown B vs Carrs Black John

killer mouth! man I am telling you, If I had 4 just like them I would be at every field trial, and making a living at it. I guarantee this, if I had those 2 I wouldn't have to buy dog food! ever! I am going to breed everything I can to the yahoo dog personally. The stud fee is worth it.

Re: Pinedale Clown B vs Carrs Black John

I will tell you this, I got best mouth at that hunt and I honestly don't believe my dog has a better mouth than them.

Re: Pinedale Clown B vs Carrs Black John

All the credit is giving to the sire but you might want to look at the Dam.It takes a good Dam!!

Re: Pinedale Clown B vs Carrs Black John

John produce good hounds but he wasn't half the hound clown was
Look up there field trial record.
There's a reason clown was bread to more gyps

Re: Pinedale Clown B vs Carrs Black John

Anybody have the number to the gentlemen that has yahoo would like to ask a few question C how the pups r doing that r on the ground now thanks

Re: Pinedale Clown B vs Carrs Black John

Kenny Williams 912-816-7036

Re: Pinedale Clown B vs Carrs Black John

I have a strange story to tell you about both these good hounds.
First story is about Black John, I bought a pup from Jim Beech out of a gyp that he had of Don Kelly's. I got the pup home and had a phone call from Mr. Beech saying that he notice some of the pups he still had showed signs of pravo and I could bring it back he would treat it or replace it with another dog. I can still today kick myself in the butt for trading the pup for a running dog. Mr. Gene Carr got the pup I brought back, named it Carr's Sid which is the sire to Black John.
The story about Pinedale Clown is also true and don't really mean nothing cause Clown went on to be a good hound and a excellent producer. No offense to anyone! At the 1995 All American, Bulter Ga. a group of us hunters were on the outside of the fence watching a big pack of hounds run a coyote right in front of us from left to right. The race ended all hounds shut-up, we all new Clowns # and watched him drift back threw where the pack had just ran by barking on a covered track, a big heavy set judge riding a grey horse rode along side him writting down something that we all new should have been running a covered track. When the score"s came out Clown had a 15 point trailing score at the exact time we all saw him and went on to place 2nd in the hunt.

Re: Pinedale Clown B vs Carrs Black John

I have her sister. She has placed in hunts all over and is probably one of the best all around hounds I have ever owned.. Inside the wire or out doesn't matter she can do it all. She is retired now but I think I would say that I like Black John and think she represents him. You can view her on my FB page

Re: Pinedale Clown B vs Carrs Black John

Had a female of yahoo she was a very fast pup really liked her can't go wrong!

Re: Pinedale Clown B vs Carrs Black John

Lisa I am glad to see that picture of roxie. Roxie and lil jan were the only 2 pups in that litter. lil jan never got to see a field trial because she was in the hands of a deer hunter, but she can still fly in the pen for her age and tough as nails. What was roxies field trial record like? and did yall ever make any crosses on her?

Re: Pinedale Clown B vs Carrs Black John

John - She was a front running hound with lots of endurance. 4 days was not a problem for her. What I liked about her was she was also a hunter. You could take her into the wild no problem. The only fault I would say is when she was younger a little scary but she got over that. She will stay with us tho because of it. She has placed in hunts at Pamplico, Manning, and Mississipp. She has had only 1 litter and I am not sure how the pups did. She will come in heat this spring and we will breed her. If a dog could be human it would be Roxie. She has so much personality and so smart!

Re: Pinedale Clown B vs Carrs Black John

Lisa I tried pulling you up on facebook but to may with your name was wanting to look at your dog.

Re: Pinedale Clown B vs Carrs Black John

Re: Pinedale Clown B vs Carrs Black John

she has the same build and shape of her sister, but she is definetly a better looking color.

Re: Pinedale Clown B vs Carrs Black John

I have a black John female that looks almost indentical to the female in that pic is there any blackjohn studs close to Mississippi thanks for any info

Re: Pinedale Clown B vs Carrs Black John

How close up is black john and clown on the yahoo dog pedigree?

Re: Pinedale Clown B vs Carrs Black John

Clown in 4th on sires side black john 3rd on dams side

Re: Mark

Give me a call if you get a chance. I would like a pair of those pups if you let em go. Give me a call.803-513-6471

Re: Mark

Re: Mark

That is an awesome pedigree. If I get up with kenny williams and we make an arrangement, That would be clown 2xs, woodstock,black snake,black john 2xs, and diceman in 5 generations. That would be a tough pedigree, with the grit, stamina and speed of my female and yahoos package. Should be a good cross.

Re: Mark

Or they could come out with 3 toes and both boy and girl organs!

Re: Mark

only thing abt breeding close is u will bring alot to the surface u doubling up on alot of dogs and anything bad will be multiplied, i have did it and have had sucess getting what i want, alot of them want show it till later most of the time its skin problems u gotta cull real hard

Re: Black John & Clown B breeding

I think the Yahoo hound is a outstanding & the best producer I know of. I have had hound dogs for 55 years and I have a outstanding stud dog myself FlBamOp (F)Ch Spires William but I plan on breeding some of my Woodstock / Spires Sissy hounds to Yahoo.I believe they should make some fast & tough hounds.

Re: Black John & Clown B breeding

mr. Haskell I need you to call jerry and tell him that. He said he's never heard of the yahoo dog and he is skeptical. You and billy melvin are the ones that turned me on to the yahoo dog and I have seen what kind of crosses you have been involved in. You have been responsible for some of the best!

Re: Black John & Clown B breeding

Yahoo Pup 2013 FL ST (B)(CH) and 4th HGA Derby

Re: Black John & Clown B breeding

Whos the dam on that dog and what does she go back to robbie hiers.

Re: Black John & Clown B breeding

k&p yahoo x toby's amber amber was Ron-e's thunder x Hi ridge amber she was Cliborne Rock x Ace's red sassy

Re: Pinedale Clown B vs Carrs Black John

Anyone have a picture of the k&p yahoo hound? I would love to see how he looked. He sure throws some nice looking hounds!

Re: Pinedale Clown B vs Carrs Black John

i have a hound here in va he has carrs black john in him 5times clown b in him 2times big city houston 2x and east coast hollywood he is a 28in tri color male has placed in every pen he been too 1days 2days or 3days last yr he was 29th in the country his name is Xtreme Heats Loco if anyone would be interested in breeding too him

Re: Pinedale Clown B vs Carrs Black John

What do u feed your dogs son 28 inch hound your supposed to take them off the tailgate to measure not put them on the tailgaite then measure from ground up ugot me wanting to breed to your dog and i dont even like pen breed dogs lol

Re: Pinedale Clown B vs Carrs Black John

Brian can you post the pedigree on the loco dog. That would be a good one to look at.

Re: Pinedale Clown B vs Carrs Black John

Is this yahoo hound still alive if so where is he located. Thanks

Re: Pinedale Clown B vs Carrs Black John

Yahoo is alive and kicking in georgia. kenny williams has him and his phone number is in this post somewhere.

Re: Pinedale Clown B vs Carrs Black John


Re: Pinedale Clown B vs Carrs Black John

Thanks an the pic of the black hound is that off of yahoo

Re: Pinedale Clown B vs Carrs Black John

Just spoke with kenny he said there was a pic of yahoo on his fb page

Re: Pinedale Clown B vs Carrs Black John

i tried to pull up mr kenneys fb but could not is any one on here friends i found one in ga but said he did not have pics what is his profile pic thanks for any help

Re: Pinedale Clown B vs Carrs Black John


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