
Official Website of the Foxhunters Hall of Fame

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Beware of Leroy Husser. Anyone that would stand beside Trent Hollingsworth and praise him after everything he has done to ruin the foxpens in the state cannot be trusted. Hard to see how anyone would support the LSA after Trents recent actions. Using the lsa funds and lsa lawyer to sue a fellow fox hunter is the final straw.

Re: Beware

He's got to go!!

Re: Beware

He posts his name when he gets on here.

Re: Beware

I seriously dought he would need to use LSA money! He should be allowed to use the lawyer of his choice, i'm sure the lawyer has more cases than just LSA. How do you know what funds he uses?

Re: Beware

I consider Mr Leroy a friend and you want ever make me believe he would do any thing against fox hunting or the hunters.

Re: Beware