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Puppy Hunt Results

Thanks Everyone for coming.
Next Puppy Hunt will be April 20, 2013 $20. entry fee

1st Bobby Land
2nd Stahl Kennel
3rd Southern Illinois Hard Hittin Kennels
4th Stahl Kennel
5th Jerrod Vaupel
6th Kearbey's July Kennels
7th Cole Brown
8th Southern Illinois Hard Hittin Kennels
9th Jimmy Rhea
10th Kearbey's July Kennels
11th Howard Owen
12th Jerrod Vaupel
13th Jim Smith
14th Southern Illinois Hard Hittin Kennels
15th WBT July Kennel
16th Harold Yokum
17th Warren Sisk
18th Kearbey's July Kennels
19th Kearbey's July Kennels
20th Howard Owen

Hope to see you All in April.

Re: Puppy Hunt Results


Re: Puppy Hunt Results

What is the breeding on some of these hounds?

Re: Puppy Hunt Results

2nd place dog is Stahl's Redman X Stahl's Popcorn, Popcorn is a littler mate to Kearbey's Brooklyn

4th place dog is Stahl's Redman X Stahl's Charlote. Charlote is litter mate to Stahl's Mary.

Re: Puppy Hunt Results

5th.. ch. Vaupels Fedex and M&S Lou

12th.. ch. Vaupels Fedex and ch. Vaupels Strut

Re: Puppy Hunt Results

The dog that won is to old

Re: Puppy Hunt Results

if you are gonna run your mouth you should have the guts to put your name

Re: Puppy Hunt Results

Why dont you put what your dog is out of

Re: Puppy Hunt Results

Cheater my guess is that his dog is off a dog and a bit*h

Re: Puppy Hunt Results

Thats what i thought no reply on what the the dogs breeding is ladies and gents if u paid money at this hunt you didnt get out run you got cheated " dog to old "

Re: Puppy Hunt Results

jordan is right he is a grade dog off an old grade dog and a old bit&h