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Broken tracker

Does anyone know who will work on trackers? They will not service them anymore!

Re: Broken tracker

Im trying to find out myself I have A friend in the hound supply business looking for me.I was told mountain side supply bought trackers inventory and works on them.But I havent been able to git in touch with them either.Soon as I find out I will post info.

Re: Broken tracker

Thanks. This is for a hunting buddy. He said someone bought them out but wouldn't service them :(

Re: Broken tracker

what brand tracker is it and what is it doing. There is an old man that does my collar batteries and has worked on my tracker. Depending on what it is doing he can get after market parts for certain things. Like switches, or coax connector. If it is a bad board all together than its not much use.

Re: Broken tracker

The brand is tracker. Not sure exactly what it's doing. It's not mine.

Re: Broken tracker

Not much you can do with those. The are digital and don't have any after market parts. The good thing is, if you buy one used without any collars these days, you can get it for $250which would have been about 50 more than repairing it.