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Louisiana Open 8 hour results

The results are posted to leader board
Congrats to Jimmy&Marcey Mc Coy's on there win with Mc Coys Tuff (loftons Jeremiah x Bulters Red Pepper)
And all the rest who placed and thanks everyone who came to support the hunt

Re: Louisiana Open 8 hour results

Congrads Treylar Kennels on winning combination, to Mr, Skinny on Classiest Hound and Mr. Jimmiy on best mouth. and all others that placed, Mr Jimmy, Tuff was a pleasure to watch.

Re: Louisiana Open 8 hour results

Congratulations Mr jimmy on your win

Re: Louisiana Open 8 hour results

Congratulations cuz

Re: Louisiana Open 8 hour results

Will there be another 8 hr hunt sometime in the near future?