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Masters 2013

No I don't have any info on the leaders at The Masters 2013 but I am like all of you sitting here on Friday night wondering what the scores look like and who is doing what at this years Masters and personally I am kinda ticked at the silence of the situation. All I am trying to say is in the year we live in looks like The Masters web site that we all use would keep folks informed on what is going on at their BIG HUNT.

I just don't get it, I don't understand why each day we as fox hunters who can't afford to be there can't have an idea of what is going on.??????

You all don't have to agree with me or actually you can throw off on me for actually saying something but not posting something about what is going on at their precious Master's FHA is just beyond me. Seems like just last year and several years before we have been able to see the daily score sheets after the first and second day of running what happen?????

I guess we will all wait on The Hunters Horn to publish the results so we will know something by the time the weather gets HOT and then I won't care who won or lost . I mean this is the technology age and really can't somebody post the top 10 or better yet give us folks that ain't there a taste of what is going on????

No I am not trying to start something I am just saying what all y'all are wanting to say and won't.

And guess what I will even sign my name to the post so that way you won't have to wonder who this is.

I hope all those folks that at The Masters are having a good time and I truly hope the best hound comes out on top I just wish you and I knew who was doing what and where the folks we are pulling for stood in the big hunt, we all have somebody we are pulling for as the spectators who know nothing during the 2013 Masters field trial.

I also realize that it doesn't matter if you or I know or not but it is neat to know where folks stand and who is leading and who is loosing, or at least I think it is neat to have some idea of what is going on while the hunt is going on. So, there is my ranting for the day.

Lord Bless

True Grit
Jonathan Blakeley

Re: Masters 2013

It really is sad that someone with the masters couldn't post tha top 10 each day ..

Re: Masters 2013

Might need to make a friend that travels the big hunts.... Majority of the kennels in the top 10 were posted earlier in a thread. No need for the association to post daily's of any hunt. Only would subject themselves to more chastising by folks who aren't in attendance.

Re: Masters 2013

True Grit, in order for them to do that then the rest of the fox hunting world would have to matter! And that won't happen until your buying from them or breeding to their stud dog. I think you get it now. Hope they have a great hunt.

Re: Masters 2013

Get a good dog Ricky then you could travel

Re: Masters 2013

Go run with him he will show u a good dog.

Re: Masters 2013

Never knew he had one to know one

Re: Masters 2013

Put ur money an he will show u .

Re: Masters 2013

Brooks you would not know a good dog if it bit you in the a$$ cause you have had a couple in your life and ruin them with your recipe. Ricky always has a good dog or two not like them you hauled to Arkansas and went home with your tail between your legs.

Re: Masters 2013

For $100 entry ALL you no name hunters could have showed us instead of flapping those gums about whos got what. But yall were scared to see if you could compete with the best in the country.
keep flapping and feeding what you want.