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Roger Knight Green hills Knight

Every year you give me numbers then a month before the hunt you take my numbers and you give them to your buddies,you must not want competiotion. Go ahead and run ya'lls trotters in the hunt.

Thank you Mr. Roger Knight

Re: Roger Knight Green hills Knight

Come on man!! Realy!! Mr. Roger is one of the the most honest men I have ever meet. Why you want to poor mouth on him? At least use your name I mean come on now lol talk about someone this bad an then hide lol ha. Jesus loves you have a nice day.

Re: Roger Knight Green hills Knight

Well Kerney LeBlue Lets let everyone know you are the concerned hunter, so we want have no more misunderstanding. You need to take up Frog gigging or something else. You don't never keep your #s you try to give them away. But you turned your #s in anyway. Next time you got a problem call me. If you got a fast dog I will give you a # and come show all the guys what the concerned hunter has.

Re: Roger Knight Green hills Knight

Mr. Roger Knight why did you call me and wanting my numbers back and I had no choice but to give them back to you.