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Kountry korners pen

Saw in the horn that the wolfhound classic was going to be there and I was looking at the dates and it was goin to be in Sunday I thought that pen don't run on Sunday I was going to come and run but I don't run on sundays and I was goin to bring 6 and I guess y'all don't care about my money and all the others that don't run on Sunday

Re: Kountry korners pen

Hunter, don't get your feelings hurt because one hunt isn't to your liking. I have hunted at Kountry Korner on Sunday before and don't remeber it being advertised that the pen doesn't run on Sundays. I am a God loving Christian man, but sometimes have to work on Saturdays and have to hunt on Sunday some times. Also, don't get very much vacation, so I like soooooo many others are appreciative to have a big hunt and not have to take a weeks vacation to attend. You won't be alone in not wanting to go because the hunt ends on Sunday.
By the way, because it ran on Frday, Saturday and Sunday, i CAN attend, and will be bringing 10 head!!!!

Dont be sour about a hunt on here just because you have 6 dogs and the hunt is not ran on the days you want, just stay at home and wish your fellow hunters and friends good luck!