
Official Website of the Foxhunters Hall of Fame

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? about grade 1-6 hunts

What kind of points do you gain for hounds placing 1-10th or does just 2@3days count.

Re: ? about grade 1-6 hunts

Different points for different levels of hunts.
1 days...8 hours
2 days
3 days

Complete rules up above.

Re: ? about grade 1-6 hunts

Can you just bring a dog to these hunts or do you have to have it qualified first? Just asking. Have never been but would love to!

Re: ? about grade 1-6 hunts

The hunter doesn't have to do anything extra to play....just make sure the hunt does what their supposed to....advertise , pay the $30 , and post the results ...basically that's it.

Find a hunt that's advertised in the Horn and load up and go.

One day 4 or 5 hour hunts don't count...only 1 days that count are the 8hr ones.

Re: ? about grade 1-6 hunts

Thanks Mr. Hank. I have always wondered what it took to get into the breeders cup and the international.

Re: ? about grade 1-6 hunts

If the hunt was posted on master site was it likely advitesed in horn. And also how to you get points for placing in these hunts. What placing and how many points do you get to count for hound of the yr.

Re: ? about grade 1-6 hunts

The only limit on the Breeders cup I believe is age.... You may have to qualify (placed at another hunt first) for the International.

I'm sure someone will let you know.

Re: ? about grade 1-6 hunts

Thanks. But still want to know points system on hou you get points for hound of the yr.

Re: ? about grade 1-6 hunts

The rules are sticky'd above.... Under 2013 rules...

It explains the different points for the different hunts.