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Blalocks King @ Stud in Central Ar.

I would like to thank Charles Blalock for allowing me to bring King up here . King will be standing at stud , he's still a strong breeder . IF you would like to breed to him give me a call at (870) 883 0601

Re: Blalocks King @ Stud in Central Ar.

how is he bred?

Re: Blalocks King @ Stud in Central Ar.

David he has Levi reno and stuff in him. But I sure think he would help improve your kennel if you breed a good gyp to him!

Re: Blalocks King @ Stud in Central Ar.

He's out of a Reno ***** and lakehills rusty, I used to run all three of those litter mates king, jack , were my two picks, with jack being my first pick, jacks gone now , but I have had a litter off king, bubba's sand man dog was off that cross, I still hav a jyp off that litter!