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Lakehills chili

Who has chili and do any one have some pups out off him they look like the one that Paul placed in the masters

Re: Lakehills chili

That's the only one that will run !!

Re: Lakehills chili

You want to bet? Try the 8 hr results in so.la. a week or so ago.

Re: Lakehills chili

Guess so with those trotters

Re: Lakehills chili

It's funny someone always getting on here talking about someone's dog but never has tha guts to post there on name.

Re: Lakehills chili

You know i dont say much on hear but, i will say this chili belonged to clay granham he bread and raised him then sold him to paul west!! i watched this hound and his litter grow, get started and smoke a many hound, and as for none of his pups running ? BULL i was the first to bread a gyp to him before clay ever sold the dog and for the one's that like to talk crap but cant put there names to back it up i own a 600 acer fox pen well stocked how bought you just give me a call an ill show you just what those chilly pups can do .... clay is like a grandfather to me I KNOW what his blood lines can do HE RAISES THE BEST OF THE BEST!!! thanks for your time

Re: Lakehills chili

Amen!Well said Candice

Re: Lakehills chili

You know if people would have to post there name and email address on here it would stop all tha bull crap on here its just a bunch of cry baby's that wish they had a good dog that's always got something negative to say about someone or there dogs.

Re: Lakehills chili

agreed !!

Re: Lakehills chili

What is chili out of and were is he at now thanks

Re: Lakehills chili

Chili is out of Wild goose tommy x Pawnees pepper. He is standing at chad cannons in North Carolina right now. We do still own him.

Re: Lakehills chili

DO yall have some puppys

Re: Lakehills chili

Yes we do. YouI can call Paul 318 447 9039