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What's throwing the fastest pups right now

Re: Pups

Honestly....a fast gyp. The stud is overrated. If you have a fast female, breed her to a good stud and you should be ok. In my opinion too many guys are breeding average females to the "top" studs and hoping for a miracle. That's why you see so many for sale.

65% female
20% stud
15% guy who feeds them

Just my opinion.

Good luck and good hunting

Re: Pups

65% Guy who feeds them.

20% stud

15% female

Re: Pups

40% the female 30% the male and 30% how they are trained and run

Re: Pups

When they cross on almost everything they're bred to , instead of 2 or 3 particular females - then you know he's doing his part.

Re: Pups

Some studs are bred to so many females that you never know how many duds they throw too. It happens a lot. You can't expect to get a good hound from a sorry female and a good stud. You will improve but won't get to the winner's circle.

That's why a lot of guys charge more for a female than a male.

There is an old saying about a good stud getting you in a race but a good gyp keeping you in the game.

Re: Pups

Genetically speaking, a hound pup will receive exactly half of its code of life from his sire and the other half from his dam (exactly one half and one half). I believe that the training, the pup's environment, and the handler make up 75% with the pedigree filling in the remaining 25% in the making of a hound. I think genetics are over played in the selection of performance fox and coyote hounds. Most hounds would improve if they had the opportunity to chase and to catch coyotes 3X/week.

Re: Pups

I like your thinking on the out come of pups. I've seen a lot of good prospects that I think would of made good hounds but didnt get the training time. You can not expect them to learn anything tied up or in a pen all there life.