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Alabama State 8 Hour Results

1. 1000 pts, SunshineState(f)FloraBama(bd) Ch J's Sir Bill H (Ch Bonner's Humpy X Gib's Meme WG), Heath Howell, Samson, AL

2. 975 pts, Turner's Wrangler (Turner's Levi X Turner's Look), B&B July Kennels

3. 865 pts, August Moon (Ch J's Sir Bill H X Heath's Lil Bee), Heath Howell, Samson, AL

4. 835 pts, Gib's Hannah (Ch Bonner's Humpy X Gib's Meme WG), Bill Gibson, Elba, AL

5. 650 pts, Down Home Tarheel (Fortner's Spot X Fortner's Porche), Down Home Kennels, Jay & Milton, FL

6. 645 pts, Gib's Jessie (Ch Bonner's Humpy X Gib's Jezabel), Bill Gibson, Elba, AL

7. 610 pts, Codyman's Smiley (Caylor's Hollywood X Williams' Cyclone), Down Home Kennels, Jay & Milton, FL

8. 555 pts, Rose, Kevin Gillis & Carlos Griggs

9. 465 pts, Victory Barky (Poverty Creek Romeo X Hammertime Classy), Brent Davis

10. 455 pts, Chandler's Blondie (Greyboy X Chandler's Ozella), B&B July Kennels

Combination: Ch J's Sir Bill H
Best Mouth: Ch J's Sir Bill H
Classy Hound: Ch J's Sir Bill H

Re: Alabama State 8 Hour Results

Congrats Heath. I guess you weren't kidding when you said you were going to win!

Re: Alabama State 8 Hour Results

Congrads on winners ! I would like to invite the first two winners to run in my runoff hunt may fourth! If either hound places in the top three I will pay ur two hundred dollar entry fee! Now I use non hunter related judges, and will pair up two hunters that don't hunt together with each judge! All hunters will help in figuring scores so no hocus pocus occurs !!! We are looking for the top hound regardless of person or kennel owner! What away to further promote ur hounds! I would also like to enter my 65 gyp, which will not count in the hunt but would like to take a five hundred dollar wager against the two top Alabama state hound! For fun of course. She is very very slow and has trouble running a Yote , most of the time she in the biscuit box at the camp! If u want to come run and practice please call the pen is urs unlimited till the hunt! Looking forward to seeing these two fine hounds run! God bless and happy hunting! Tri state oak ridge julys! The following houndsmen will be there shine Simmons, William delozier, p- town, 747, big g kennels big Johnny ! Looking forward to having fun!

Re: Alabama State 8 Hour Results

Is your run off hunt 8 hr also and where is your pen I'd like to come watch this if it's 8 hr

Re: Alabama State 8 Hour Results

Let's make this even sweeter! I have two pens one wide open, the fastest pen in the south!!! And one wooded pen where the hunt is! Since endurance is the question here, I will make this adjustment! Since julys or three hour dogs as most call them are suppose to be weak ! We will run my 65 gyp and the Alabama state first an second place winner , Friday morning the third of may in my open pen and the same three may fourth in the field trial!! But this is how it's going to be! All three will cast Friday morning and each hound will be caught only when it catches a Yote!!! If it walks around all day peeing on bushes or trailing a Yote that was there the day before or just plain old running a dog track then owner must leave out until each individual hound catches a Yote period!!! Have a oberservation tower located in middle of pen where this can be confirmed!!! Upon catching a Yote the owner may kennel his hound and put him in his pajamas for the night!!! Will bring a lot of refreshments might be a long day for some!!! Then the next day the same three hounds will be cast with the fresh field of hounds at the finals!!! This is to ensure that we get the hound with the stamina, speed, and game running ability!!! Now if it suits either hound to be cast alone I'm game!!! But they still can't be kenneled till the catch a Yote!!! This would be better for me because mine don't need help, and it would save me time putting up yield and caution signs!!! Just in case some want to try cunning running, which I know no hound with a title would dare do!!! I use to go stay and hunt with Mr. Harland . One day we were sitting at antlers listening to some julys run,and we got on the subject of tough dogs! This is what he told me, and I've never forgotten his words. He said Brian if a tough all night dog decides to pull up on fast dogs running in the open to catch, u will soon see that their no tougher than the fast dogs!!! What he meant was most can walk all day but cannot run wide open but for a shorter time! What a true statement!!! So I think we can kill two birds with one stone here!!!My gyp won the three hundred a dog in Arkansas last year that was a three hour then not long after that placed in July nationals at kearbys! One of the toughest pens in the country! She ran seven hours the first day and six the second before catching her! David Kearby said she was one of the best he saw in the hunt! She is off oak ridge Ronnie which has sired some title winning, bench show winning hounds! The kearbys, stahls have placed them in a lot of major hunts! They each have had some special hounds!!!Me myself personally I could give a flip less about a title! In my opinion most seem to obtain them by means other than true talent!!! If one thinks he has a true champion do ur self a favor! Go cast it by itself to see if it can even run a Yote! Most u find are disappointing !!! I know I'm thinking about changing my kennel to Tri state oak ridge deer dogs inc.lol! It's all in fun! So God Bless and with my deepest love I salute u!!!

Re: Alabama State 8 Hour Results

Thank You for the invitation. Unfortunately I have the Alabama State scheduled for May 1-4 and can not make it to both hunts. If I could go I’m not sure I would take a long hour dog like Sir Bill to a 3-hour hunt. The 3rd place hound (August Moon) is a little faster and more suited to the shorter hours but still I’m not sure I would go with her either. I believe in using the right tool for the job and would not try to hammer a nail with a screwdriver. If I had any interest in the type of contests like you are inviting me to I would probably be equipped with a set of hounds that suited that style.
I applaud you for your effort to put on what must appear to be an honest field trial. Having strangers come in to judge for you and putting 2 hunters on each of them to watch them like hawks sounds really nice. Transparency is a good thing and I hope y’all don’t have any hocus pocus go on over there. Whatever that is, it sounds unpleasant. I believe if a man lives his life the right way and always pursues truth and honesty in everything he does then he shouldn’t worry himself about what other people think. Providing an appearance of an impartial field trial is nice but actually providing an honest field trial ought to be the goal. I’m sure you agree, and good luck with your runoff. I hope everything goes well.

As far as picking the top hound you should know that you would need a neutral site to have any chance of doing that. It is hard to go in to a good hound’s home pen and outscore him or her. It’s hard to beat McMillan at Harrisville but if you do you have something to be proud of.

With regard to promoting a hound I will just say that Sir Bill has been from LA to SC to FL and AL running in the kind of hunts I like to run in which happen to be the kind of hunts he is best suited for. In fact, I consider the highest prestige field trials in the country to be the Big Three of the Masters which are the Masters itself, the Top Gun, and the World Cup. In the year 2012, I believe Sir Bill was the Highest Scoring Hound in combined S&D and GTP at those hunts. I could be wrong about that but from what I could gather I think he earned that accomplishment. Now, I wouldn’t ask you to be impressed by that. It obviously isn’t what you are interested in. Please forgive me if I am not impressed by a small group of guys getting together for a few hours to chase down coyotes in a small pen. If that is what you like then I wouldn’t deny you that small comfort for anything in the world.
As far as seeing these two fine Alabama hounds run I suggest that this past weekend would have been a fine time to see them run. You could have brought 65 and we could have watched them all together. I would certainly have given you some numbers. You could have sent some hounds with Cole. He had some Oak Ridge Ronnie’s at the hunt. In my experience the person who wants to see a certain hound run has the burden of traveling to see the sight. Maybe you are accustomed to having things you want to see brought before your eyes. It’s a good system if you can get it. If a fella wants to see the Eifel Tower he goes to Paris. He doesn’t call a Frenchman and ask him to load the thing up and bring it to Mississippi.

Looking back through the results of the 8-hour I noticed that there were 4 hounds that showed the name “Oak Ridge” on their entry information.
These 4 hounds compiled a total raw S&D score of 1240 points. They were scored in 1st place a total of 6 times.
Sir Bill compiled a raw S&D score of 1255 points. He was scored in 1st place over 20 times.

Does that mean anything? I don’t think so. It was his pen and his style of running and he is a decent hound. If I took 4 hounds to another guys home pen I might expect to see them fail to put up a combined score to match his best one. If any other hound but Sir Bill had won the hunt it would have been a huge accomplishment for that hound. I gave everyone the chance to achieve that dream. I warned everyone that I expected to win it and requested that the sore losers stay home if they couldn’t handle it. Your 65 gyp might have been the one to beat him. Almost certainly she would have added enough points to the Oak Ridge tally so that 5 hounds carrying that name could have combined to put up as many points as Sir Bill.

Re: Alabama State 8 Hour Results

If you enjoy using hounds to catch a coyote in a pen then you are not a foxhunter or a wolfhunter or a sportsman of any description.
Anyone who would post on a public board about intending to catch a coyote in a pen must be a special kind of stupid. And I mean that in the nicest possible way.

Re: Alabama State 8 Hour Results






Re: Alabama State 8 Hour Results

when I read Brians post early this morning I knew he had barked up the wrong tree . Mr Howell is much too smart and Im glad hes a three day field trialer

Re: Alabama State 8 Hour Results

Congratulation"s to all that placed and a BIG THANKS to the Alabama State Representative's for putting on what we thought was a Good Hunt. No we didn't place a dog, number came off our best dog but thats all in it. Being with Good Old Friends and Eating GOOD FREE FOOD was worth it all! My Son and I had a GREAT TIME! THANKS!

Re: Alabama State 8 Hour Results

I dont know Heath all that well, nor do I know any of is dogs or this pen. What I do know is I just read a very level headed response to very disturbing post!!

This challenge does sound like a very interesting thing! But to have any interest in catching any game is plain out unethical and is not how us true dog hunters hunt.

I will pray for "Brian" and hope he remembers the true Tradition of fox/coyote "HUNTING"!

Congrats to all that placed and way to go Down Home you boys have worked hard glad to see yall doing good!!!

Re: Alabama State 8 Hour Results


Re: Alabama State 8 Hour Results

Billy Johnson owns the second place dog. Congrats to Heath on the win and also a great hunt.

Re: Alabama State 8 Hour Results

Well I had a dream last night, I was putting on a hunt in my own pen! I had my family judging, I was taking up all the scores and doing all the figuring by myself!!! And I added a membership fee right before the hunt!!! And behold when I awoke from a deep slumber I had a ms state champion named or dubbed ( SIR GOT YALL AGAIN) !!! As far as totaling scores well, my opinion u a legend in ur own mind!!! And to tell u the truth I am for real suffering with a rare brain disease, and have a severe diteriation of my brain cells!!! So sometimes I get confused and take alot of meds! This is the gospel, and sometimes I think it's when I was abducted by aliens years ago, that I had probes placed in my mind! Often leading to bad visions or seeing things in the wrong dimensions! But as for catching I never said nothing about harming, in fact I use plastic muzzels that I purchased from the hound and horse supply that protects and ensure safety for the Yotes!I would encourage the use greatly by all! Also putting safe zones and barrels I feel is of importance which I'm sure a man of great importance as ur self ,already displays,in ur running facility!!! But if u would graciously allow me to breed a July to sir wins a lot maybe it would slow down the pups enough that I could score more points, how ever this may be!And have a whole litter of little sirs!!! Lol! I'm laying here dreaming of names for this litter! Sir full of bull , sir take ur money honey, sir set them up good ,sir can't wait to do it again, sir living legend!!! I don't know why, but i I am severely mental unstable at times, which I blame on those little green beings that probed me long !I must Ask for forgiveness , it's at times like these when I've felt I've been probed to deep at hunts, I have flash backs of being on that spaceship, in a far away galaxy being strapped down helplessly with litte green men, with big shiny instruments, talking in a language that is strictly unknown to a July man! And feeling like they've not only taken my dignity but a great title out of my grasp ! I'm breaking down now crying rivers of tears!! For u see I'm really dying day by day and I'm looking forward to seeing Jesus soon !!! I await that moment more than one knows ,which I feel is the ultimate championship !!! So please repent ask for forgiveness as upon that day of judgement every knee will bow none to hide!!! I just don't hope I'm in line behind some master of hounds reviewing score sheets it may take awhile to enter the gates!!! Lol! But all that said , I must now go to my shrink who has aquired a great fortune from me residing on his couch in times past! Mainly the to field trial and little green aliens!!! Please sir Heath I beg for forgiveness, and look forward to seeing sir Alabama state champion ( walks a lot ) perform! With all my love I greatly salute u and ur legend!!!

Re: Alabama State 8 Hour Results

Lets not forget the fastest hound in the south hunt that u put on
Brian, then let Cole Welch enter ur dog n his name and won it n ur pen. At least Heath entered his own dog n his name.

Re: Alabama State 8 Hour Results


Re: Alabama State 8 Hour Results

Hey pot calling the kettle black! Try and put ur name and then we will talk I still own the dog in which I win that hunt with she is now cripple but if she wasn't u could come and run with her at any time! I got a few more nice hounds from Brian in which u can run with at any time' so try and keep my name out of this unless you can put yours! I'm a 3hr and 4 hr man not a 8hr or 3day ! So when u want to measure up at a 3 hr call me!

Re: Alabama State 8 Hour Results

Yes I did give her to cole , I raised and trained her and he placed her in nine hunts before blowing her out! But I didn't judge at that hunt ! for information on fairness of that hunt contact my two masters that day Larry Robinson who has the purvis pen or mr Jennings ( Footie) ! Mr.no name if I'm still alive, and able to have the hunt again , please feel free to join the top speed breeders for a true experience! The pen is wide open so u can see all ,no hidden secrets! Hey if u have a wonder dog get a number, cause everyone attending loves a challenge, and loves to run with the best! Like Larry hale told a guy at my last hunt that asked him about my yellar t dog ! Larry said he saw the dog run up hill faster than his and Fred's dog could run down hill ! If u think other wise feel free to call Larry ! Being a july breeder is tough, if u was at Brookhaven two weeks ago the 34 dog with the pretty pink number was mine that placed third! She is the sixty five gyp! If u want to come run with her and share some abduction stories ,which I have many , please call!!! I can relate to u hiding in secret I done it for years after being abducted and violated!! U see I stare at the gateway between this world as we know it and what resides beyond it each moment I breath!!! So u don't have a cherry here I promise! I have always kept a book called the secret archives of fox hunters ! Lol! I'm sure ur photo is cataloged, between the covers!!! As u might have guessed by now my mindset is sometimes severely unbalanced! My shrink still trying to figure the true deep dark secrets that have led to my demise! U see I am as Paul in the bible felt, the least in the kingdom ! A sinner that needs to be saved by grace! But please pray for my shrink we started this session with me on the couch now he's on it! Lol! A true paridigm shift of reality !!! I must go now he is weeping! Remember we all come in this world thru a gateway called a womb, we all breath cause Jesus allows us to and we must all at one point exit by the way of the grave or rapture! But surely my friend we will all exit!!! Don't it sound exciting, to be able to experience something new to live on the edge! Feel the rush! But until then hope those little green men come back to visit! I have to really know the truth!!! Sorry my session is nearly up for now, and need to get back on the couch! Wonder if I could obtain a green July from outer space ! Will work on it !!! I salute u continually with love!

Re: Alabama State 8 Hour Results

Well tobe the man You' got to beat the man and we didnt do that, but we wiill be back next time, congrats to Heath and all that placed. And thank you Brian for making this such an interesting post, your shrinks got to be earning his money,tell those green men i said hello.Heath do you thi.k Mr Bill would part with the little zero gyp.Id like to own her.

Re: Alabama State 8 Hour Results

For anyone concerned(Brian Lamey) the Sir Bill dog is not the fastest dog in the country,heck he is not even the fastest dog Heath owns. He, however is one of the best hounds that we have ever owned when running in a field trial. He has won bench shows,combinations dual championships,speed and drive ,HGA, and won in National and Master Hunts. Yes, he has been run in his own pen on two ocassions with Heath running the computer and guess what he won both hunts. That was no surprise to me or anyone who was remotely open minded. Those two hunts did not prove anything to me. He only was par for the coarse as far as I was concerned.He did not attach any title to his name in either one of those hunts. The hunts that he did gain some prestige from by attaching a title to his name was run in pens that he was not run in prior to the hunt or only was run a couple times. Sir Bill is not even the fastest dog in his litter his litter mate that placed fourth in the hunt is faster than he is. We however do not judge hounds by which dog can run down a road the fastest. In case you are wondering how fast he is we run gps garmin collars on our dogs. He generally runs top speeds of 25-28 mph. Just for comparison his puppy,August moon reaches top speeds of 35-40. She however is like so many other dogs and when those slow dogs keep running up behind her when she misses the track she starts looking for the front again and misses those points the next judge is giving out. As for as you breeding to Sir Bill you are more than welcome to come beeed to him most any time. The stud fee is 150 dollar donation to the El Bethel Baptist Church Mission fund. If you did breed to him it most likely would slow your hounds down, who knows maybe not. I can tell you one thing if he did to your hounds like it has done for the hounds he has been bred to so far it would improve them and they would score more points in a legitimate field trial of what ever type you wanted to run them in. He has been a special hound in 3 hour, 5hour, 8 hour,two days and 3 days, and he would do fine in 4 days also. He is not the best dog ever. Might not even be the best dog we own. He is however a hound that anyone who loves to hunt, run a coyote by himself with a couple dogs or with hundreds would love to hear run. He has been a pleasure to me. Thanks for your extra publicity on this hound. Maybe someone might actually come breed to him now. Our mission fund needs the money. Maybe you will be smart and donate. Thanks Jay Howell. (jhowell191559@gmail.com)

Re: Alabama State 8 Hour Results

The truth comes out finally. So your buddy cole has been running your dogs in your own hunts.

Re: Alabama State 8 Hour Results

Brian if you had a problem with the hunt why did you send them by cole? All we kept hearing from him all night was what they were going to do he'll they could not even keep up running down the road..... Looks like your little snake cole informant had some issues with the hunt

Re: Alabama State 8 Hour Results

I don't recall saying nothing about what those hounds would do or anything! It was a 8 hr and I didn't even know for a fact they would all make it but I can tell u what I own my own dogs and run my own dogs those 4 were Brian's and the only reason I took his I'd because mine are 3 or 5 hr dogs a couple of them had no feet but hey I'll come run with anyone at anytime 3 hrs . I don't know what the dogs I brought done bc u couldn't see nothing but I know what they are capable of and I do not run Brian's dogs in his hunts if I was running his dogs don't you think I would of win more than 1 hunt out of the 20 I've been to? But on the other hand i will be at Georgiana come Saturday and I may get beat again you never know but ill shake whose ever hand wins no matter what because I don't ***** and complain about a hunt unless I can see something is crooked about it! At least I go all over the south and run in hunts and don't stay cooped up in my home pen! We went to Brookhaven 2 weeks ago and placed 2 in the top 10 out of over 100 dogs in a 3 hr speed and drive and we didn't have to go practice or nothing . When u go to big shots home town and run with the best such as terry Byrd jimmy teat and Donnie valentine and place in the top 5 and 2 in top 10 you know you got something worth feeding! So as far as talking about me don't say nothing unless you got your facts straight! Yes me and Brian hut together but I own my own dogs and he owns his and come may 4 I will have my jip at the hunt at his pen in the runoff and would gladly love to see u come run with us. If u need to go practice I'm sure u can get in touch with him and run there as many times as u would like! God bless and happy hunting!

Re: Alabama State 8 Hour Results

The 0 gyp is my August Moon. She is the first puppy out of Sir Bill and will be 2 years old in August. She might do better if somebody else had her but I'm going to hold on to her for breeding stock.

Re: Alabama State 8 Hour Results

3 off Humpy and 2 grandpups off Humpy. Mighty impressive. Congrapts to all the top ten.

Re: Alabama State 8 Hour Results

Heath i know after hunt when we were catching dogs she was still flyin.She had a crossin by a hundred yards lookn at the game

Re: Alabama State 8 Hour Results

Sir Bills pups run like the 0, ill take a pair Heath

Re: Alabama State 8 Hour Results

On the scores- Facts are facts. Interpret them however you will. Just because your hounds did not score well does not mean anything bad about you or even about them. You shouldn’t let field trial results determine the value of your hounds. You like the ones you like and I like the ones I like. Mine can score a lot of points in the pen they were raised in. Yours can score a lot of points in the pen where yours where raised. We both have some that can score well at neutral sites as well. Bill scored well at Jena at the Top Gun. 65 scored well in the Big Valley. I tried to win the Top Gun at the Big Valley many years ago and got scratched out. Mine were not tough enough. I got some tougher ones and did better the next time. You have some tough ones to if they can finish a 3 day in those rocks and hills.
I only ask that you understand why you got outscored. Mine were getting seen more often and getting seen nearer to the front of the race. About 75% of that is due to the fact that they are on a first name basis with the game in this pen. Have you ever seen the cartoon of the sheepdog and the wolf who clock in to work each day, chase each other around for several hours and then clock out? That is what it is like. This pen at Elba is small and hilly. Most hounds will get badly outrun here until they find out where the trails are to get up and down the hills. That is why and how you got outscored. I make it a point to say outscored and not outrun because there is a difference. I studied a lot of field trial results form the major hunts to learn that the winners of the 3 day hunts I want to win are winning by staying in the running and getting scored more during the hunt. A hound that likes to run the front and only the front will have trouble beating a hound that stays in the pack and picks up the 3rd and 4th place crossings as well as the 1st place crossings. Some folks don’t want a hound to stay on the track in 4th place. I happen to like that ones that stay in the pack and run the game thru the crossings. Others would say they want a hound to drop the track and figure out how to get ahead of the 1st place hound. From what I have seen, if the track runner is consistent enough he will get his 1st place scores when the lead hounds over run or lose the track. The August Moon gyp is bad to overrun the track. A dog like Bill will drive right past her and get his 1st place score to go with his pack scores. If he fell out of the race trying to get ahead then he would miss getting scored. I hope you take this experience and use it to do better next time. If you don’t accept and understand the reality of why you got outscored then you are likely to keep getting the same result. Don’t take the wrong lesson from this. If you are thinking you got cheated then you are doing yourself a disservice. Whether you are willing to see the truth or not won’t have much effect on my life but it could improve your life and I want you to be happy. Some folks continually get outscored and they always think they are being cheated. Those folks never improve their hounds and they never find joy in life. I hope you are not one of those people.

The muzzles and the other safety precautions are great things and I’m proud of you for putting the welfare of the game first. It should always be the priority and I want the PETA and HSUS folks who monitor this site to appreciate what you do to protect the game in your pen. We didn’t harm a single coyote in 8 hours of running and I consider that a complete success. All the fun we have is not worth the life of a game animal.

There is one thing you are not doing to protect your game that you should do immediately. Switch from July to Walkers and your game will thank you for it. Breeding to Sir Bill would be a step in the right direction.

Re: Alabama State 8 Hour Results

Heath do you still have the score and can you tell me how many times the 913 was scored in 1st place, every crossing we saw her in on powerlonnes she was 1st place, just wondering what she was doin around the rest of pen. And what about my pair of pups.

Re: Alabama State 8 Hour Results



Re: Alabama State 8 Hour Results

I agree Brandon! Well spoken!

Re: Alabama State 8 Hour Results

Chad, 913 had 3 1st and 7 2nd place and a total of 14 crossings.
You can have a pair of pups, I just don't know which pair.

Re: Alabama State 8 Hour Results

When you make up your mind, let me know.

Re: Alabama State 8 Hour Results

Gongrats heath hell of a hound and Bonner I got your text been busy headed out tonight with Brandi / baby time!

Re: Alabama State 8 Hour Results

Don't know Brian or heath. But what Heath just said is exactly what I look for in a hound. Made more sense than lil green men and spaceships (WTF) . Seems like to me someones speed demons got beat by a solid running hound and he broke it down as how it happened.

Re: Alabama State 8 Hour Results

Congratulations Heath on your win and to all that placed. I have watched the second place hound run in six field trials and he has placed in five. My son Cory entered him in five of the field trials for Mr. Alfred Jones and he has placed 8th at Burketts fox pen (5hour), 4th at Burketts fox pen (5 hour), 9th at Ken Goodwins pen (5 hour), 2nd Parker's fox pen (9hour), and 2nd Parker's fox pen (8 hour). The only hunt he didn't place was a three day hunt in Andalusia and he finished that hunt. Heath can you tell me how many crossings Cory's 80 dog was scored in. I didn't see him until I caught him after the hunt. I know he wasn't in the shape he needed to be in but Cory wanted to enter him since he won the 9 hour last year. I want to congratulate all the ones that placed again and I look forward to running with y'all.

Re: Alabama State 8 Hour Results

80 scored in 17 crossings.

Re: Alabama State 8 Hour Results

Thanks Heath, You sure know how to put on a hunt. Great food and great fellowship what else could you ask for. did the 80 dog have any 1st place crossings?

Re: Alabama State 8 Hour Results

He had 2 first place crossings both during the night. Looks like he got weaker and fell back as the hunt went on and didn't score in the last hour. I'm glad you enjoyed the hunt. We tried to make it as fun a party as possible.

Re: Alabama State 8 Hour Results

I would luv to breed to him.If he's running 28 & throwing pups running 40mph.I need me some of that.He is throwing the fastest dogs I've ever seen.

Re: Alabama State 8 Hour Results

As Bro Tanner would say, "She had a Momma too, Bro"
August's momma, Lil Bee, is pretty fast herself so that is where some of the speed is coming from.

If you look at the data on your GPS collar you can see how fast the hound was traveling from one update to the next which we have set to every 2.5 seconds. You can see that at certain short intervals they will move pretty fast. August gets close to 40. Lil Bee can almost get there but she is almost 6 yrs old. When a hound is running by sight on smooth ground (looking at a coyote going down the fence line) they will hit their top speed.

We had a July gyp several years back named Hannah that could get over 40 mph and that was verified by running her behind the 4-wheeler on the dirt roads behind our house.

That kind of speed is virtually useless for track running because the nose can't keep up with the feet but whenever they are looking at the game trying to pull up on it or whenever they get slung out of a race or cut out of a race then they have to use that foot speed to get back in the front.

The speed that shows on the handheld Garmin unit usually shows 12.5 to 14 mph for our hounds and their average is about 10 mph for the early hours and it drops back to about 8.5 for longer hours. Bill covers about 43 miles in a 5 hour hunt in a strange pen.

Re: Alabama State 8 Hour Results


Re: Alabama State 8 Hour Results

I am sorry about the last post fore it was not posted by B&B Kennels. To whom ever felt the need to post the last post as B&B Kennels, if u have a problem u are more than welcome to call. As far as Wrangler goes he is a good hound and has been doin pretty good. For anyone interested in breeding to him u would need to contact Billy Johnson. Thanks and Happy Hunting, Cory Dean

Re: Alabama State 8 Hour Results

congrats to all

Re: Alabama State 8 Hour Results

Hey Cory, ole Wrangler belongs to me and Rusty now, Billy told me if he had a dog that would run 8hrs i could have him. We gona pick him up this weekend.That mouth will sound good in the deer woods this season.

Re: Alabama State 8 Hour Results

Yeah Chad I've heard him say that a
couple times before but I think he's made an exception with Wrangler. As far as the deer woods we may have to put him in them to try to speed him up a little.

Re: Alabama State 8 Hour Results

Yeah i was kinda thinkin he might crawfish a little.

Re: Alabama State 8 Hour Results

Yeah I believe he did this time.

Re: Alabama State 8 Hour Results


Re: Alabama State 8 Hour Results

I am glad to see that someone can see what help I tend to be. However ol Wrangler is mightly lonely tonight because I have to be at work tonight. Maybe you would be interested in helpin on the nights I'm at work? However I do have the kennels clean so you dont have to worry bout that part. Maybe Wrangler can pull it together for this weekend. I guess we will have to see. Would like to wish you luck personally but that would be hard to do fore you did not post your name. Good luck and happy hunting.

Re: Alabama State 8 Hour Results

Brian, your full of ****, you have showed it on this site, Dumb Ass

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