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Prayers for Haskell Spires

Prayers for Haskell Spires he's in the hospital with pneumonia and fluid around his heart he is doing better today but please lift him up in prayer.

Re: Prayers for Haskell Spires

They are on the way..

Re: Prayers for Haskell Spires

I will pray for Haskell.

Re: Prayers for Haskell Spires

Prayin for him!!!

Re: Prayers for Haskell Spires

The family and I are prayin for you Haskell!

Re: Prayers for Haskell Spires

Prayers have been sent and will have all pray tonight at church.

God Bless,

Re: Prayers for Haskell Spires

Mr.Haskell, you are in our prayers.

Re: Prayers for Haskell Spires

I will be praying for my good friend Haskell and his wife Carol.
Vic White

Re: Prayers for Haskell Spires

billy, i am glad he is doing better. will pray for him. keep us posted.

Re: Prayers for Haskell Spires

Prayers from Eastman Kennels / Robert , La.

Re: Prayers for Haskell Spires

We will be praying for Mr Haskell

Re: Prayers for Haskell Spires

Haskell was released from the hospital today he is feeling much better he wanted me to thank everyone for praying for him.

Re: Prayers for Haskell Spires

Haskell is a great friend of mine . I in S Tx working and did not even know he was sick. I will for sure be praying for my ol buddy's recovery . Is he still in Fl . Or is he back in Ms. ?

Re: Prayers for Haskell Spires

chuck, the last i heard he was in fl.

Re: Prayers for Haskell Spires

Thank you Mr Leroy . I wanted to check on him but I only have his home number in Ms.

Re: Prayers for Haskell Spires

Thank you Mr Leroy . I wanted to check on him but I only have his home number in Ms.

Re: Prayers for Haskell Spires

He is still in Florida his cell # is 601-365-1525

Re: Prayers for Haskell Spires

Thank you Billy . I will call him when I get off.

Re: Prayers for Haskell Spires

I spoke with Mr Haskell last night . He seemed to be do good . Him and Mrs Carol are headed back to Ms . this morning.